Productivity of piglets on rearing with large-group confinement on polymer and concrete floor

Keywords: pigs, rearing, concrete floor, polymer floor, season of year, feed conversion, live weight


At the article the productivity of piglets on rearing depending on the type of floor at different times of the year was studied. It was found that pigs, which were kept on a more comfortable polymer floor, consumed more than 13.8% of compound feed in winter, 12.0% in spring, 8.2% in summer and 7.7% in autumn. With large-group retention of piglets in pens with partially slit polymer floor, higher absolute growths were observed in winter - by 18.5%, in spring - by 10.5%, in summer - by 11.0% and in autumn - by 15.5 %%. More comfortable conditions of keeping pigs in stalls with polymer floor due to higher intensity of growth of piglets helped to reduce feed costs per unit of growth, in winter - by 4.6%, in spring - by 3.5%, in summer - by 3.1% and in autumn - by 3.9%. The growth rate of piglets during their rearing season, at all seasons, was higher in stalls with a polymer lattice floor compared to animals raised during this period on a concrete lattice floor. In autumn and winter, the difference in piglet growth in alternative types of flooring increased and decreased in spring and summer season. Feed conversion during the year depended more on the time of year than on the type of lattice in the pens. The safety of piglets was significantly dependent on the type of floor and had significant fluctuations throughout the year in stalls with concrete lattice floor, and the proportion of pigs killed in all seasons was also higher in these pens. On the basic of economically useful traits, the type of lattice floor in the stall for rearing piglets had the greatest influence - further the time of year and even less their interaction. Based on the research, it was found inappropriate to replace in the pens for rearing piglets the polymeric floor on a concrete.


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How to Cite
Ladyka, V., Khmelnychyi, L., Shpetnyi, M., & Vechorka, V. (2019). Productivity of piglets on rearing with large-group confinement on polymer and concrete floor. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1-2(36-37), 3-14.