Keywords: Lebedynsk, Ukrainian dairy Brown, Swiss Brown, conformation type, linear classification, correlation, type


Researches cows firstborn of Lebedynsk, Ukrainian Brown dairy, Brown Swiss, estimated by the method of linear classification were carried out on livestock population in Sumy region. The interbreed variability was installed according to assessment by 100-score system of linear classification and by 18 descriptive traits of 9-score scale. Traits of dairy type were better expressed in cows of Swiss breed (83.5 score) against 80.4 and 81.8 scores in peers of Lebedynsk and Ukrainian Brown dairy. The traits of cows' body didn't differ in significant variability when comparing the tested breeds and were within the error of average value (83.6-83.9 scores). The average assessment of cows firstborn of Brown Swiss breed for udder morphological traits at the level of 83.1 scores exceeded animals assessments of Lebedynsk (80.4 scores) and Ukrainian Brown dairy (81.8 scores) breeds. Descriptive traits, in contrast to the group, have a significant level of variability, regardless of the assessed breed. High and reliable relationships were established between the assessment of group traits and the amount of milk yield during the first lactation, that characterize dairy type (0.222-0.433; (P <0.001), body development (0.392-0.412; P <0.001) and udder (0.364 -0.484; P <0.001). The correlation coefficients between the final assessment of type and milk yield in animals of the experimental breeds were in the range of 0.377-0.378 (P <0.001). A positive correlation was observed for almost all individual descriptive traits of conformation and milk yield within the experimental breeds, with the exception of udder depth (-0.119 ... -0.085), teat length (-0.044 ... -0.115) and body condition (-0.256 ... -0.303). According to the results of a linear assessment of Brown cows, the best indicators of conformation type were in Brown Swiss, characterizing it as a specialized dairy type. Lebedynsk cattle, according to the traits of linear classification, approached the combined type, and Ukrainian Brown dairy cattle occupied an intermediate position between scores of Lebedynsk and Swiss breeds with characteristic traits of dairy type.


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How to Cite
Khmelnychyi , L. (2020). FEATURES OF CONFORMATION TYPE OF COWS BROWN CATTLE OF SUMY REGION ESTIMATED BY THE METHOD OF LINEAR CLASSIFICATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (41), 3-11. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2020.2.1