Fatteting qualities of immunocastrated and uncastrated pigs

Keywords: piggy, growth/increase, immune castration, fattening, feed conversion, feed intake.


The article presents the research results of the study of fatteting qualities of immunocastrated and non-castrated pigs which were received/obtained from local sows of Irish Landrace, Irish Yorkshire and synthetic line Maxro boars in the conditions of OOO(LLC) NPP(research and production enterprise) Globinsky pig-breeding complex, fatteting workshop 3.To carry out the study, two groups of pigs were formed, the average live weight of which was in the range of 25.68-25.82 kg, with an error of 0,30-0,26 kg. It was found that during the fattening period the immunocastrated pigs, in contrast to the non-castrated pigs, had a large average live weight at  removal from fattening by 4,96%. They were characterized by 6.65% and 6.64% higher absolute and average daily growth rates. The relative gain of immunocastrated pigs was higher by 4,20 % (d.<0,001). Immunocastrated pigs daily consumed more feed by 3,54% which led to the achievement of their live weight of 120 kg by 3.89% faster while the payment for feed by increments was better by 2,39%  as compared with non-castrated pigs. The index of a comprehensive assessment of the feeding qualities of immunocastrated animals was higher by 4.4 points or 11.8% compared to their non-castrated counterparts. Using/With the help of one-way analysis of variance, the strength of the influence of the type of castration of gilts on their fattening indicators was established. Significant influence of the type of pigs castration for fattening indicators such as average live weight at  removal from fattening at the level of  7,53%,absolute increase of 10,92%, average daily gain of 10,91% and the age of reaching a live weight of 120kg at 7,09% were defined. The strength of the influence of the type of castration of pigs on the relative gain was only 2.71%. Research results have shown that the use of immune castration of pigs has a significant impact and increases their feeding performance/indicators.


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How to Cite
Andrieieva , D., & Povod , M. (2020). Fatteting qualities of immunocastrated and uncastrated pigs. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 17-21. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2020.3.3