Heritability and correlated variability with milk yield of linear traits firstborn cows of Holstein breed

Keywords: Holstein breed, conformation, milk yield, correlation, heritability


Studies were conducted to estimate the first-born cows of Holstein breed (Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy with a conditional bloodline of Holstein above 93.75%) by conformation type. The research base was the breeding farm of PE "Buryns'ke" of Pidlisnivskyi branch in Sumy district. A modern method of linear classification was used with an assessment by two systems: 9-score, describing 18 body parts of the conformation, and 100-score, taking into account four complexes of selection type traits that characterize: dairy type, body, limbs and udder. The population-genetic aspect was described by determining the heritability and correlative variability of linear traits with milk yield of Holstein cows of domestic breeding in Sumy region. Group traits that characterize the dairy type of cows (r = 0.398), body development (r = 0.412), limb condition (r = 0.215), udder morphological qualities (r = 0.466) and final type assessment were best correlated with milk yield (r = 0.474). The highest coefficients of heritability were found for group traits of dairy type (h2 = 0.366), body (h2 = 0.328), udder (h2 = 0.385) and final score (h2 = 0.477). The average and moderate level of heritability was determined by descriptive traits: height (h2 = 0.286), body depth (h2 = 0.275), angularity (h2 = 0.414), rear width (h2 = 0.295), pelvic limbs posture (h2 = 0.274), fore (h2 = 0.351) and rear (h2 = 0.296) udder attachment and central ligament (h2 = 0.294). A sufficient level heritability of linear traits and correlative variability between them and milk yield allowed breeders to effectively select dairy cattle in the direction of improving the conformation and productivity.


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How to Cite
Karpenko , B. (2020). Heritability and correlated variability with milk yield of linear traits firstborn cows of Holstein breed. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 44-50. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2020.3.8

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