Keywords: Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed, line, firstborn cow, phenotypic consolidation, linear assessment, conformation.


The phenotypic consolidation of firstborn cows Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed of different lines by conformation type was studied. Cows were evaluated according to the method of linear classification in the herd of breeding farm PAE "Piskivs'ke" Bakhmatsky district of Chernihiv region. The degree of phenotypic consolidation of lines was determined by formulas of Yu. P. Polupan (2005). Regardless of the line representation, the highest degree of phenotypic consolidation was found in the set of traits that characterize udder with coefficients ranging from K = 0.200 (Inganse line) to K = 0.393 (Kevelie line). According to the complex of conformation traits that characterize expression of dairy type in cows, the best were consolidated daughter descendants of Inganse (K = 0.309) and Kevelie lines (K = 0.335). Offsprings of two pedigree lines Siteishn (K = 0.015) and R. Sovering (K = 0.049) have a low degree of phenotypic consolidation by set of dairy-type body parts. A similar situation in determining the degree of phenotypic consolidation was observed for a group of body parts characterizing body development. The best consolidated were animals Inganse (K = 0.267) and Kevelie (K = 0.395), and the worst - Siteshn (K = 0.048) and Valiant (K = 0.042) lines. According to the assessment of descriptive traits within studied lines, following body parts were distinguished by positive values of phenotypic consolidation coefficients : rump height (K = 0.127-273), body depth (K = 0.092-0.328), rear width (K = 0.033-0.363), front udder part attachment (K = 0.041-0.227), dairy type (K = 0.143-0.385), and negative - hooves condition (K = -0.264… -0.046). Analyzing the results of research, it can be argued that practical application of phenotypic consolidation coefficients as objective evaluation criteria will allow in the future to control consolidation of genealogical formations and other breeding groups of animals both by conformation type and another selection traits.


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How to Cite
Khmelnychyi , L., Anisimova , O., Kompanets , I., Lemeshko , D., & Perekuta , O. (2020). PHENOTYPICAL CONSOLIDATION OF FIRSTBORN COWS OF UKRAINIAN RED-AND-WHINE DAIRY BREED OF DIFFERENT GENEALOGICAL FORMATIONS BY CONFORMATION TYPE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(43), 13-19.