Specificity of genotypic structure of different breeds of domestic dogs by microscatelites of DNA

Keywords: dogs, microsatellites, polymorphism, DNA, breed-specific genotypes.


As a result of the analysis of genotypic polymorphism of domestic dogs (Canis canis) it is established that the highest level of polymorphism in terms of genotypic variability (Ng = 18.4; (Ng=18,4; Ng1=8,6; Ng2=4,8 and Ngunic=5,8) 5.8) is characterized by animals of the German Shepherd breed, the average level of genotypic variability was characterized by Russian Toy Terriers (Ng=10,8; Ng1=5,8; Ng2=3,2and Ngunic = 1.4), and the most consolidated at the genotypic level was the Great Dane breed (Ng=10,4; Ng1=5; Ng2=3 and Ngunic = 0). For 2 of the 5 studied microsatellite loci (FHC2010 and FHC2054) the spectra of genotypic polymorphism in all studied rocks were the same in their scope (LimNg), for the rest of the loci the smallest scale is characterized by Great Danes, and the largest - puppies. Russian toy terriers are characterized by the maximum range of genotype polymorphism spectra, at the PEZ01 and FHC2010 loci, and the average range at the PEZ06 locus (174-202 bp). Most often, for 4 microsatellite loci out of 5 studied (except PEZ06), shepherds are characterized by the largest number of genotype variants (Ng = 18.4). At the PEZ06 locus, the largest number of genotype variants (Ng = 14) was found in those terriers. At the other loci, the number of detected genotypes differed insignificantly between Great Danes and Terriers (1-4 genotypes). It should be noted that the differences between the studied breeds in the number of detected genotype variants was significant only for loci PEZ06 (p <0.001) and FHC2054 (p <0.05). All studied microsatellite loci were characterized by an average number (15.5) of different genotypic variants. Their total number in individuals of this species ranged from 15 (at the locus FHC2010) to 27 (at the locus FHC2054). At the same time, the highest level of genotypic polymorphism was recorded at the locus PEZ08 in German shepherds (Ng = 24). The least polymorphic was the locus FHC2010 in animals of the Russian Toy Terrier breed (Ng = 7). In all studied breeds, at all loci, a certain consolidation by individual genotypes was recorded. For 3 out of 5 loci (PEZ01, PEZ08 and FHC2010) in the German Shepherd and Great Dane breeds, these genotypes were the same, for the same loci the same most common genotypes were found in sheep and terriers, and in mastiffs and toy terriers. the same most common genotypes were detected at loci PEZ06 and FHC2054. Moreover, genotypes PEZ06182/206, PEZ06166/174, FHC2054168/172, FHC2054140/160  and FHC2054156/160  are breed-specific for shepherds.


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How to Cite
Shelov , A., Kopіlov K., Kramarenko , S., Kramarenko , O., & Khmelnychyi , L. (2020). Specificity of genotypic structure of different breeds of domestic dogs by microscatelites of DNA. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(43), 128-132. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2020.4.19