Keywords: biotechnology, technology, egg incubation, disinfectants, biologically active substances.



The research presents the results of experimental studies of the influence of various physicochemical factors (phonophoresis, electrophoresis, electrospray, diffusion, etc.) on the rate of transport of biologically active substances through the protective layer of hatching eggs shell of crossbred Haysex Brown. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of the use of physicochemical methods of transportation of biologically active substances through the shell of hatching eggs of chickens. For the experiment, three batches of eggs were formed, which were obtained from layer hens Haysex Brown, 144 pieces in each experimental group. The kinetic parameters of BAS transport through bioceramic protective barriers of eggs were calculated based on the determination of BAS concentration on the surface and inside the egg by mass spectrometric method (mass spectrometer with ionization of 252Cf fission fragments "MSBH", (Ltd "SELMI", Sumy, Ukraine). The degree of permeability of bioceramic layers of the shell relative to the model gas mixture which is identical to the atmospheric air was studied by the method of V. Breslavets et other and the mass spectrometric method (gas mass spectrometer "MX 7304A"). Electron microscopic studies were performed on a scanning electron microscope REMMA-102; Visilog 6.11 (Noesis, Belgium) was used to process the obtained digital images to determine the number of shell microdefects per unit area of the digital image. It has been experimentally proved that to increase the efficiency of transport of biologically active substances (BAS) through the bioceramic layers of the shell of hatching eggs of Loman Brown hens, it is advisable to use ultrasonic treatment (phonophoresis, sonophoresis), substances - enhancers, including plant terpenes (L-menthol), DMSO and cyclodextrin. Phonophoretic treatment of hatching eggs increases the hatchability of eggs by 7.6%. At the same time, the gas permeability of the bioceramic layer increases significantly (by 0.43. 10-4 m3 / m2 s).


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How to Cite
Bordunova , O., Samokhina , E., Khmelnychyi , L., Povod , M., & Vechorka , V. (2021). ZOOHYGIENIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOTECHNOLOGICAL METHODS OF METABOLISM REGULATING OF CHICKENS EMBRYO IN THE PROCESS OF INCUBATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1(44), 36-41. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.1.5