Rationalizality for the use of forest harvesting in the formation of bees immunity

Keywords: bee, monoculture agriculture, food stresses of bees, building family strength, forest honeybees, immunity.


The evolutionary development of bees took place on a rich polyfloral forage base.  The honey bee belongs to insects with narrowly specialized food. The whole complex of nutrients necessary for the development and nutrition of offspring and adults is obtained from nectar and pollen, which bees, for long-term storage, canned in honey and perga. The nutritional value of pollen is determined by its protein content, the completeness of the amino acid composition, the ability to assimilate. The selectivity of pollen collection is partly explained by the need of bees for this period in certain substances. In addition, it was found that the pollen of different pollinators differs in its biological value, pollen productivity, chemical composition. It is proved that one of the reasons for the decrease in the immunity of bees is the deterioration of their nutrition. This is due to the reduction of biodiversity of flowering plants near fields, monoculture agriculture, high pesticide background, climate change and so on. Therefore, polyfloral, full-fledged pollen-nectar feed base plays a fundamental role for the life and development of bees. Complete feeding of larvae lays the foundation for immune stability, health, and life expectancy for the rest of the insects' lives. This is too important for the reproduction of future queens, drones.  It is known that the larval stage is the formation of the so-called fat body, which is a depot of proteins and other BAS, and then serves as a basis for the formation of secretory activity (royal jelly, enzymes for nectar processing, wax secretion, etc.). The formation of the fat body takes place during the larval stage of brood development. It ensures the long life of wintering bees, the ability to survive and survive the cold, contributes to the crucial task of these bees - feeding one replacement bee and more. Summer short-lived bees feed up to four individuals. As in higher animals and humans, the microflora of the mucous membranes and intestines plays an important role in maintaining immunity. It partially provides enzymatic processes in digestion. Due to these saprophytic microorganisms - immunity is formed (up to 80%). The forest is able to provide bees with early polyfloral flowering plants, which will improve the quality of protein nutrition, promote high viability of offspring and actively increase family strength, future productivity, winter hardiness, ensure the efficiency of the industry.


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How to Cite
Verbelchuk , T., Pyaskivskiy , V., Verbelchuk , S., & Havrylovskyi , V. (2021). Rationalizality for the use of forest harvesting in the formation of bees immunity. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 68-76. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.2.10