In this article, on the basis of retrospective and modern researches, was considered the important problematic question con-cerning preservation of a gene pool of local Lebedyn breed in the aspect of use of genetic markers. Using blood group polymor-phism, it was proved that according to the coefficient of homozygosity of Ca, which ranged from 0.052 to 0.139, the gene pool of Lebedyn breed generally had a high reserve of genetic variability. The distribution of blood group antigens and alleles in Brown cattle breeds of different breeding countries (brown Swiss of Germany and Austria and Lebedyn in the Sumy region) testified about their genetic commonality and therefore the resulting populations should be considered as related offspring of brown Swiss breed. The study of the genetic structure of the Lebedyn cattle herd PSP "Komyshanske" by 10 microsatellite markers showed that the popula-tion was in a state of genetic equilibrium, and the average value of the Wright fixation index showed about tendency to increase the number of homozygous individuals (inbreeding).
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