Keywords: pig breeding, repair pigs, estrus, stimulation and synchronization of the sexual cycle, hormonal drugs, PMSG, HCG


Stimulation and synchronization of sexual hunting, as well as synchronization of ovulation are key biotechnological tech-niques of industrial pig breeding, which ensure the organization of production in accordance with the basic principle of manning technological groups and placement of pigs to the requirements of the cycle "empty-busy". The aim of our study was to study the effect of the use of various hormonal drugs for the synchronization of sexual function of repair pigs on reproduction rates. The exper-imental part of the work was carried out in an industrial pig farm on the repair herd of large white breed, for this purpose, four groups-analogues of repair pigs (5 heads each) at the age of 6-8 months with a live weight of 90-110 kg were formed. Mumps of the first three groups, which were experimental, were administered drugs (according to the instructions): PG-600, Gestavet, Fertipig. In the latter group, the pigs were not subjected to hormonal stimulation (control). All drugs were administered to animals at similar techno-logical times by intramuscular injection into the ear area at a dose of 5.0 ml (once). During the experiment, the following indicators were taken into account: the efficiency of repair pigs in the hunt, the duration of treatment from the drug to the time of optimal fertili-zation, the level of fertilization, the yield of piglets per farrowing. The obtained results confirm the significant influence of various stressful technological factors on the formation of sexual behavior of repair pigs and the duration of the stage of sexual arousal. The use of drugs PG-600 and Gestavet showed a higher level of synchronization of the sexual cycle in the experimental groups, and the worst rate - (50%) was observed in the control, where spontaneous sexual cycles were monitored. The highest yield of newborn piglets was obtained in the experimental group, which used PG-600, which had a significant difference with other experimental groups and with control. It was experimentally established that the best reproduction rates were obtained in the experimental group using a single intramuscular injection of PG-600 (5.0 ml), namely: farrowing was obtained in all animals with a yield of 9.8 piglets per farrowing, which, respectively, significantly higher than in other experimental groups by 1.2 (Gestavet), 2.4 (Fertipig) and 2.8 goals in the control of spontaneous estrus.


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How to Cite
Gumenny, O. G., Sidashova, S. O., Popova, I. M., Onyshchenko, A. O., & Konks, T. M. (2021). INFLUENCE OF HORMONAL DRUGS ON THE INDICATION OF THE LEVEL OF REPRODUCTION OF REPAIR PIGS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (46), 46-51.