Keywords: breed, Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy, Holstein, linear type traits, lifetime


The research was conducted in the aspect of studying the influence of indicators of evaluation of linear traits of the confor-mation, which characterize the limbs condition of dairy cows in relative variability with their lifetime duration. Linear classification of the type was carried out in the herd of the company "Ukrlandfarming" private enterprise "Buryns'ke" Pidlisnivsky branch Sumy region for breeding Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy (UBWD) and Holstein (HB) breeds. According to the assessment of the pelvic limbs angle of (UBWD) and (HB) cows, it was found that the longest lifetime in the herd belonged to cows with a five score - 2875 days (UBWD) and 2732 days - H. With a gradual increase in the assessment towards sickle hock trait, the lifetime of cows in the herd decreased to 2419 (UBWD) and 2341 (HВ) days, and with a decrease in the assessment of the type trait towards elephantiasis - to 2297 (UBWD) and 2158 (HВ) days. Animals with the best expression of body part - posture of the hind limbs, with a 9 score lived longer, 2823 days (UBWD) and 2888 days (HB), respectively. A gradual decrease in the assessment leads to a corresponding de-crease in the lifetime of cows of both breeds. Between the groups of animals with the highest and lowest scores, the difference at the reliable level was in animals (UBWD) breed 732 (P <0.001) days and Holstein 754 days (P <0.001). Cows of both experimental breeds, which received a high estimate (9 score) for the condition of hoof angle at the age of the first lactation, were used the longest with a lifetime of 2895 days (UBWD) and 2882 days (HB). The least have been used cows estimated in one score with duration of lifetime - 2259 (UBWD) and 2244 (HB) days, respectively. The difference between the maximum and minimum assessment values was highly reliable and amounted to 636 (UBWD; P <0.001) and 368 (HB; P <0.001) days. The most viable were cows estimated by the trait of locomotion 9 score with duration of lifetime in the herd of 2891 days (UBWD) and 2864 days (HB), respectively. About influence of the assessment for the development of the trait of locomotion on lifetime was evidenced by a reliable difference between the maximum and minimum estimates of cows in experimental breeds, which were 684 days (UBWD; P <0.001) and 621 days (HB; P <0.001).


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