Keywords: fattening, feed conversion, growth rate, feed cost, preservation


The article compared the growth rate, safety, feed conversion and economic efficiency of pigs fattening with an additional in-troduction 0.5% of total protein into the "start-15-30" compound feed for piglets in the second stage of rearing, "engraver-30-60" for piglets in the first stages of fattening with live weight from 31 to 60 kg, "finisher 60-90" and "finisher 90-130" for hybrid pigs from crossbred sows of the Irish Large White breed and boars of the Irish Landrace, which were fertilized with the semen of boars of the terminal synthetic line "Maxgro" (♀VB × L) × Mg) at the final stage of multiphase feeding in each of the rearing and fattening periods. It was found that the additional introduction of 0.5% of the total protein in the feed during the feeding period contributed to the better by 1.0% safety of the livestock, higher by 41 g average daily gains and, as a result, more by 2.7 kg of weight on the day of sale. During the fattening period, they spent less on 240 kg of starter compound feed, 640 kg of engraving feed and 750 kg of finishing recipe feed 60-90. At the same time, they consumed 890 kg more than the cheap finisher 90-120. The total amount of feed con-sumed turned out to be 740 kg less in the animals of the experimental group, but due to the difference in the price of various brands of compound feed, its cost was higher for this group by UAH 9583.8. In general, the conversion of feed in the animals of the experi-mental group was 0.13 kg better than the analogs of the control group. According to the complex of signs of fattening performance, the pigs of the research group had the index of fattening qualities by 4.0 points higher than in the animals of the control group. Due to the lower price of the finishing compound feed 90-120 and the higher growth rate of pigs during this period, the feed cost of 1 kg of the increase in pigs, which consumed an additional 0.5% of the total protein, turned out to be UAH 0.49. lower in comparison with animals of the control group. Also by UAH 0.48 was lower and the cost of 1 kg of gain in animals of the experimental group.


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How to Cite
Povod, M. H., Mykhalko, O. H., Shpetnyi, M. B., & Opara, V. O. (2021). PRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF A FATTENING YOUNG PIGS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF PROTEIN IN THE DIET. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (46), 78-83.

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