Keywords: meat and egg hens, crossing, generation, growth intensity parameters, formation intensity, growth uniformity, growth stress


The article presents the results of determining the parameters of growth intensity in chickens of different genotypes obtained during the experiment to study the effectiveness of crossing roosters of imported meat crosses with meat-egg females of domestic selection. Among the studied groups of chickens, the maximum intensity of formation is characteristic of chickens of the created synthetic population (Δt=0.4600). This is due to the fact that the bird of this heterogeneous group in live weight had a significant advantage over other birds at 4- and 6-weeks of age (respectively by 46.29-93.33% and 17.50-62.75%). That is, individuals of the created population can be carried to those which are quickly formed. "Kobb" hens F2 groups "K-11" and "K-51" were characterized by higher energy of formation than "Ross": Δt in the former is 0.1305-0.2106, in the latter - 0.1099-0.1172 . The intensity of the for-mation shows a positive relationship with the live weight of chickens at 17 weeks of age - r=0.4795. The highest values of the index of uniformity of growth (Ir=16,9459-19,5039) were hybrids F1 and chickens of the synthetic population "K-5", which indicates a better gradual uniform development of internal organs and systems compared to birds of other studied groups. Meat and egg hens of the created synthetic population "K-5" (26.0961) were characterized by the largest value of average daily gains of live weight up to 6 weeks of age, which was the result of its high values at this age in comparison with poultry of other groups. High values of average daily and relative gains were found in F1 hybrids, which corresponds well with their high live weight at 17 weeks of age. The average daily and relative gains show a positive correlation with the intensity of formation - the correlation coefficient is at the level of 0.5275-0.8156. Increasing the amount of growth and the index of uniformity of growth will contribute to the formation of high live weight in chickens. The growth of average daily and relative gains in poultry of the studied genotypes will increase the index of uniformity of growth: r between SP and Ir is 0.9286, between VP and Ir - 0.8729. The highest value of the growth stress index was found in chick-ens of the created synthetic population "K-5" (In=9.2007), which indicates a high intense growth of systems and organs of their body. The growth stress index can be used to identify groups of birds with more uniform intense growth. These include meat and egg chickens F10 subpopulation "K", hybrids F1 and "Kobb" group "K-51".


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How to Cite
Khvostik, V. P., & Bondarenko, Y. V. (2021). GROWTH INTENSITY OF THE MEAT AND EGG CHICKENS OF DIFFERENT GENETIC ORIGIN. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (46), 91-94.