Keywords: cows, productivity, diet, microelements, complexants, radionuclides


Trace elements in the lives of animals play a very important role. They are part of enzymes, hormones and vitamins, activate metabolic processes in their body, increase productivity, improve the quality of products, increase resistance. It has been experimen-tally established that microelements are able to make certain changes in the metabolism of radionuclides. Between micronutrients and radionuclides in the body of animals can be a complex competitive relationship, blocking the assimilation and transition of the latter into the body and their products. We conducted research in the farm STOV "Polissia" Narodytsky district of Zhytomyr region on dairy cows selected in 3 groups of five heads in each on the principle of pairs of analogues. Animals of the 1st control group received a diet. Cows of the 2nd group, in addition to the economic diet, complexate zinc trace elements in increased quantities, manganese in normalized quantities, 3rd group in normalized quantities of zinc, manganese, copper. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the hopes of cows of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups in relation to the 1st control group were higher by 12 and 10%, re-spectively. The introduction of complexes of trace elements in the diets of cows of the 2nd and 3rd groups contributed to the reduc-tion of the specific activity of cow's milk at 137Cs by 1.8 and 1.3 times, by 90Sr, by 1.6 and 1.3 times, respectively. In the milk of cows of the experimental groups there was a tendency to reduce the concentration of heavy metals, lead and cadmium.


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How to Cite
Bidenko, V. M., Трохименко, В. З., Malitskyi, V. O., Malitska, A. S., Deineka, M. V., & Pieshkova, N. O. (2022). PRODUCTIVITY, QUALITATIVE COMPOSITION AND RADIOACTIVITY OF COW’S MILK WHEN FEEDING THEM WITH MICROELEMENT COM-PLEXONATES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 55-59.