Digestive disorders of unknown etiology are common in piglets during the first two weeks after weaning. The root cause of this problem is the stress on the body of piglets. Effective methods of combating digestive disorders during this period are the correct selection of antibiotics and the introduction of zinc oxide in the feed. The effectiveness of amoxicillin and zinc oxide in compound feeds for weaning piglets after weaning was studied. Experimental studies were conducted on groups of local young pigs in the in-dustrial complex of PJSC "Agroindustrial Company". Complex introduction to the composition of feed in the period of growth of zinc oxide in the amount of 1.5 kg per 1 ton in the period of 49-63 days and amoxicillin in the amount of 0.5 kg per 1 ton in the period of 30-48 days and 0.2 kg per 1 ton in the period of 49-62 days helps to increase the intensity of growth of young animals and improves feed conversion and safety of piglets. The average live weight of piglets in the experimental group exceeded the control group by 0.8 kg and amounted to 33.53 kg. A similar difference in favor of the animals of the experimental group is observed in terms of absolute and average daily gains. According to the preservation indicator, the advantage in favor of the recommended scheme of cultivation using zinc oxide and amoskycillin was 3.4%. The use of this system of feeding piglets after weaning is economically viable, because it will increase both the growth rate of young animals during the rearing period and improve feed conversion.
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