Two research groups were created for the study, one in the clean and the other in the radioactively contaminated areas of Zhytomyr Polissya. At the beginning of the research, the state of the honey-bearing flora of Zhytomyr Polissya was determined, the factors influencing the secretion of nectar by plants of natural lands and their influence on the intensity of flight activity were established. The influence of adverse weather conditions on nectar secretion has less effect on forest plants than in open areas. The influence of ambient temperature on the flight activity of bees in spring, summer and autumn periods using natural phytocenoses has been studied. High-productivity flight activity of bees in the conditions of Polissya is promoted by a temperature mode of environment, their maximum approach to honey-bearing, pollinating phytocenoses. The flight activity of bees in a clean and radioactively contaminated zone varies depending on the strength of bee colonies, the condition of the honey base and the weather conditions of the honey harvest period.
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