Keywords: breeding system, dairy calves, operating map, live weight, average daily gain, heifers.


World practice offers various systems of breeding repair young cattle, which are based on the use of knowledge of the biological characteristics of its growth and development in combination with feeding and housing conditions. The dominant factor in ensuring the proper growth and development of calves their preservation in the post-embrionic period is the choice of technology for their rearing in the milk phase. This article highlights the main aspects of raising dairy heifers as a key part of the cattle herd repair system. The production experiment was carried out in the conditions of «Vertokyivka» LLC, Zhytomir region on Holstein heifers of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed. Primary zootechnical and technological documentation was used as research material. It is shown that the technology tested in the farm allows to obtain well-developed constitutionally strong calves, to ensure their high safety through compliance with a set of zooveterinary requirements, operational maps for keeping dry cows and dairy calves. It is noted that the increased rate of drinking milk in the amount of 420 kg per calf and feeding the starter feed «Kaudais» in the amount of 25 kg during the milk period ensures the achievement of the necessary standards of animal development and preparation for further breeding. In particular, the average daily gain in the first month of life is 658 g, live weight ‒ 58 kg, the second – 981 g and 79,6 kg, the third ‒ 865 g and 105,7 kg, respectively. The relative decrease in the growth of calves at the age of two to three months is a natural phenomenon and is explained by the insufficient functioning of the rumen in the post-milk period, as well as the decrease intensity of growth. Therefore, if the growth intensity in the first month after birth was 59,2 % in the group, then at the age of 1‒2 months it was ‒ 45,5 % and 2‒3 months ‒ 37,3 %. This is due to a decrease in the use of feed protein for body protein synthesis with age.


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How to Cite
Kovalchuk, I. V., Holenia, Y. H., Kovalchuk, I. I., & Roivskyi, O. I. (2022). ACCELERATED SYSTEM OF CALVES BREEDING AS A FACTOR OF ENSURING THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND SECURITY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 26-30.