Keywords: cattle breeding, breeds, genetic resources, bulls, lines.


The driving force in increasing productive and improving breeding traits is the breeding base in cattle breeding. Today, breeding dairy cattle of Ukraine has 340 subjects, which are engaged in breeding 13 dairy and combined breeds with a total population of 295991 heads, and meat cattle breeding, respectively, 51 subjects, 11 breeds and 23353 heads. The most numerous populations in breeding dairy cattle are the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy cattle (143864 heads) and the Holstein breed (100217), in the beef cattle population – Aberdeen Angus (7344 heads) and Volinian Beef breed (2971 heads). The available sperm production of dairy bulls is 7363,5 thousand doses from 1771 breeding bulls of 17 breeds, including 1694 bulls (7262,9 thousand doses) belong to 157 lines and related groups and 77 conditionally non-linear bulls. In beef cattle, the genetic material is represented by 257 breeding bulls with 850534 doses of semen from 19 breeds and types. The analysis showed that 173 bulls (751792 doses) belong to 104 lines and related groups, and 84 bulls (98732 doses) are non-linear. Simmental (28), Holstein (27) and Ukrainian Red dairy (22) have the largest number of lines among the studied bulls in dairy cattle breeding, Simmental meat and Aberdeen Angus (17) and Ukrainian meat (14) predominate in meat cattle breeding. According to estimates of breeding bulls of dairy and combined breeds, it was found that 37,9% are genomic and 34,2% are estimated by type and productivity of offspring and are mainly imported animals (Ayrshire, Holstein, Jersey, Montbeliard and Brown Swiss). Estimates of 18,3% of bulls by offspring and 9,6% by origin are domestic animals (specialized dairy, as well as Brown Carpathian, Lebedyn, White-headed Ukrainian and Red Steppe). In terms of relatedness, there is a significant advantage (76%) of breeds of the black-and-white group in the number of bulls (1347 heads), lines and related groups (50) and genetic material (4937,3 thousand doses). In total, 34 owners of breeding bulls from 15 regions of Ukraine are distributing genetic material. Regarding the conservation of biodiversity of domestic breeds, genetic material of the following lines and related groups of indigenous breeds has been accumulated: Elegant (19 thousand doses) and Stretch (9,2) in the Brown Carpathian, Rezvy (2,3 thousand doses) and Ozone (2,2) in the White-headed Ukrainian, Vesely (111,5 thousand doses) and Rybak (43) in the Red Steppe, Balcony (1,4 thousand doses) and Chutky (1) in Lebedyn breeds.


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How to Cite
Pochukalin, A. Y., Pryima, S. V., & Rizun, O. V. (2022). PROVISION OF CATTLE BREEDING OF UKRAINE WITH GENETIC RESOURCES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 59-64.