Keywords: sow, lifespan, duration of breeding use, reproductive qualities, index, adaptations, variability, correlation


The article presents the results of studies of the reproductive qualities of sows of plus-adaptive, modal, and minusadaptive types of adaptation. In addition, the criteria for selecting highly productive animals according to the index “type of sow adaptation (TSA)” (methodology of the authors of the article), the indicators of the variability of traits, and the level of their correlations are calculated. The research was carried out in agricultural formations of the Dnipropetrovsk region and the animal husbandry laboratory of the State Institution “Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The work was carried out following the program of scientific research No. 31, “Genetic improvement of agricultural animals, their reproduction and preservation of biodiversity (Genetics, preservation, and reproduction of biological resources in animal husbandry)”. The task – “Determine adaptive features and the nature of inheritance of polygenic and hereditary traits of pigs of different genotypes and develop an integrated system for creating a highly productive population” (No. DR 0121U107903). Evaluation of sows according to indicators of long-term adaptation and reproductive qualities was carried out taking into account the following characteristics: life expectancy, months; duration of tribal use, months; received farts; all piglets were obtained, goal; received live piglets, goal; multifertility, goal; weight of the nest at the time of weaning at the age of 30 (±2) days, kg; preservation of piglets until weaning,%. The “level of adaptation” index was calculated according to the method of Smirnov (2003). In addition, biometric analysis of research results was carried out according to V.P. Kovalenko et al. (2010). It was established that the sows of the controlled population belong to the I class and the elite class according to the average indicators of multifertility and nest weight at the time of weaning. The coefficient of variation of these traits in sows of the large white breed ranges from 9.90 to 10.44%. The interbreed differentiation of sows according to the “type of sow adaptation” index established a significant difference between animals of plus- and minus adaptive types. For life expectancy (43.3 months, td=27.40; Р<0.001), duration of breeding use of the sow (45, 8 months, td=36.64; Р<0.001), the indicators “received farts” (7.8, td=25.16; Р<0.001), “received live piglets, total” (89.2 head., td=29.43; P<0.001), “multifertility, the head.” (0.7 head.; td=2.91; P<0.01). The number of reliable pairwise correlation coefficients between the signs of long-term adaptation and the reproductive qualities of the large white breed sows is 58.33%. The maximum values of the correlation coefficient are set according to the following pairs: lifespan × number of piglets obtained, lifespan × number of live piglets obtained, duration of breeding use × number of piglets obtained, duration of breeding use × number of live piglets obtained, index “type of sow adaptation” × number of piglets obtained and index “type of adaptation of the sow” × all live piglets were obtained. The criterion for selecting highly productive sows according to the “type of sow adaptation” index is 35,71–53,62 points.


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How to Cite
Khalak, V. I., Hutyi, B. V., & Bordun, O. M. (2022). REPRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF SOWS OF PLUS-ADAPTIVE, MODAL, AND MINUS-ADAPTIVE TYPES, THEIR VARIABILITY, AND CORRELATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 68-73.