Influence of genotypic and paratype factors on realization of dairy productivity of cows.

Keywords: cow, bull, line, yield, lactation, year of birth, the natural ecological conditions, technology of milk production.


When forming a high-yielding herd or producing animals with high realizational potential, the maximum number of environmental and genotype factors must be considered and combined. Considering that the determination of dairy productivity of cows of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed, depending on natural and climatic conditions, parentage, linear affiliation, technology of milk production, as well as the year of birth, refers to pressing problems of today, the solution of which will serve to increase the food security of the state. Our research has established that the vast majority of cows in the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed in the studied breeding herds of Poltava region belong to the Holstein breed lines of Valiant 1650414, J. Besna 5694028588, Elevation 1491007, Marshall 2290977, Starbak 135277 and Chif 14227381. Natural and ecological conditions of the region, as well as the technology of milk production in the studied farms provided different manifestation of the realization potential of the cow firstborn of different genealogical formations and of the same. The best suited to the environmental conditions of the region are the children of the offspring of the Elevation, Marshall, and Chif lineages, who produced more than 7,000 kg of milk during the 305 days of the first lactation, regardless of the conditions of their maintenance. The combination of genotypic and paratypical factors resulted in the production of more than 8,000 kg of lactation milk by the offspring of all the lines studied. The role of the bull-sires in the formation of dairy cow dairy productivity has been proven even at low animal feeding and milk production using traditional technology. A reliable correlation between the milk yield of the first and second lactation cows was established, which determined the selection by one breeding trait. The dependence of milk yield of the first cows - third and higher lactation on the year of their birth is revealed, which should be taken into account when creating a high-yielding herd.


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How to Cite
Voitenko, S., Karunna, T., Shaferivsky, B., & Zheliznyak, I. (2019). Influence of genotypic and paratype factors on realization of dairy productivity of cows . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1-2(36-37), 21-26.