Keywords: repair pig, sow, breed, BLUP index (maternal line), breeding value, reproductive qualities, phenotypic consolidation index, economic efficiency


The paper presents the results of studies of the absolute indicators of reproductive qualities and the level of their phenotypic consolidation in sows of the large white breed of different intrabreed differentiation according to the BLUP index, as well as the calculation of the economic efficiency of their use. The research was carried out in agricultural formations of Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy regions (Ltd “Druzhba-Kaznacheivka”, State enterprise « Experimental farm Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of the National Academy of Sciences”, 2021-2022), the laboratory of animal husbandry of the State Institution “Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Sciences” and the Laboratory of Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production of the Institute of Agriculture of the North East of NAAS. The work was carried out following the program of scientific research of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine No. 31 “Genetic improvement of agricultural animals, their reproduction and preservation of biodiversity” (“Genetics, preservation, and reproduction of biological resources in animal husbandry”), task – “To determine the adaptive features and the nature of the inheritance of polygenic-heritable traits of pigs of different genotypes and to develop an integrated system for creating a highly productive population”. The research results show that the large white breed of the controlled population repair pigs according to their productivity (age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg, days; fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, mm) belong to the elite class. The leading indicators of fertility (12.5±0.24 goals), the number of piglets at the time of weaning (10.5±0.17 goals), and the weight of the nest at the time of weaning at the age of 32 days (82.2±1.38 kg) are characterized by sows of high breeding value (Ist experimental group; BLUP index (maternal line) equals 124.96±2.567 points; selection index of reproductive qualities of the sow (SIRQS) – 98.10±1.596 points). The coefficient of variation of the signs of own productivity of repair pigs and reproductive qualities of sows of large white breeds of different breeding values, evaluated according to the BLUP index (maternal line), ranges from 2.0 to 27.97%. Coefficients of phenotypic consolidation of signs of own productivity of repair pigs range from -0.292 to +0.270, and reproductive qualities of sows – from -0.404 to +0.440. The use of sows of high breeding value (Ist experimental group; the BLUP index (maternal line) equals 124.96±2.567 points; the selection index of reproductive qualities of the sow (SIRQS) – 98.10±1.596 points) provides additional production at the level of +6.69 %, and its cost is + UAH 172.40. /head/farrowing.


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How to Cite
Khalak, V. I., Gutyj, B. V., & Bordun, O. M. (2023). ABSOLUTE INDICATORS OF REPRODUCTIVE QUALITIES AND THE LEVEL OF THEIR PHENOTYPE CONSOLIDATION IN SOWS OF DIFFERENT INTRABREED DIFFERENTIATION ACCORDING TO THE BLUP INDEX. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 59-65. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2023.1.9