Keywords: Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, cows, climatic zones, mothers, mothers of fathers, milk productivity, correlation, power of influence


A reasonable approach to solve selection tasks is possible only on the basis of a clear idea of the consistent patterns of formation, manifestation and transmission of breeding features of animals from generation to generation. One of important selection methods in cattle breeding is the definition of genetic similarities in productive characteristics of mother cows, mothers of bulls and their offspring. The research was carried out in farms of different climatic zones of Ukraine, namely: in the State Enterprise "Olexandrivske" in Vinnytsia oblast (Lisosteppe zone, n=714), LLC "Imeni Volovikova" of Rivne (Polyssia zone, n=1840) and State Enterprise "Experimental Farm "Askaniiske" (zone Steppe, n=926) on first-born and adult cows (III lactation) of Ukrainian Black-and- White dairy breed. The influence of female ancestor’s milk yield for the higher lactation on milk productivity features for the first and third lactation of descendants was clarified. It was established that in experimental herds the cows with mother’s yield for higher lactation more than 8000 kg were the most productive and in the SE "Olexandrivske" mothers of fathers was 15000 kg and more, in LLC "Imeni Volovikova" – 14000–14999 kg and in SE "Experimental farm "Askaniyske" – 9000–9999 kg. There was a quite significant linear and probable (Р<0.001) relationship (0.237–0.293) between the milk of mothers and their daughters in experimental farms and this relationship was reversed, however reliable (P<0.001) (-0.154 – -0.201) between milk yield of mothers and milk fat of daughters. The relative variability between milk fat of mothers and milk yield and milk fat of daughters was multidirectional and insignificant. The coefficient of heritability, depending on the farm, ranged from 0.47 to 0.59, yield of milk fat – from 0.30 to 0.55, and the fat content in milk – from incorrect (negative) in animals from the Steppe zone (-0.27) to 0.18 and 0.06 – in individuals from the Polissia and Forest Steppe zones in accordance. The power of the influence of maternal yield on yield and fat content in daughters' milk, depending on the feature and farm, ranged from 2.1 to 6.9, and yield of mothers of fathers on the specified features of offspring – from 2.0 to 6.6%.


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How to Cite
Shpyt, I. V., Fedorovych, Y. I., Kuziv, M. I., Fedorovych, V. V., & Kuziv, N. M. (2023). MANIFESTATION OF MILK PRODUCTIVITY FEATURES OF COWS DEPENDING ON PRODUCTIVITY OF THEIR MOTHERS AND MOTHERS OF FATHERS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 82-88.