Keywords: Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, measurements, indices, exterior.


When creating and further improving dairy cattle breeds in modern conditions, the line breeding method is actively used, which is absolutely necessary to create a certain structure of each breed. This makes it possible to ensure its development. In breeds that have a wide area, there are significantly more genealogical units than in zonal and local ones. This origin significantly affects the genotype of animals and in the further formation of its phenotype. Therefore, our task was to investigate the peculiarities of the growth, development and formation of the exterior in the conditions of the economy of a high technological level. As a result of the research, it was established that the growth and development indicators in different age periods were influenced by genotypic origin, namely belonging to a certain genealogical unit. Thus, the greatest increase during the entire growing period was observed in animals of the Valiant line 1650417315, the second in rank was the animals of the Chifi line 1427381, the third – Bella 166736674, the fourth – Eleveyshna 1491007 and the last Starbuck 352790. In the last period of our observations, the growth slows down significantly in all experimental groups. So by group of animals l. Valiant 1650447315 this decrease was 161.0 g, l. Bella 166736674 – 163.8 g, l. Chifa 1427381 – 148.6 g, l. Eleveishna 1491007 – 124.7 g and l. Starbaka 352790 – 175.1 g. When comparing the main measurements of repair heifers of different genealogical formations, it was established that the height at the withers was dominated by animals l. Starbuck 352790. This advantage ranged from 1.0 to 4.0 cm with a probable advantage over the Bell 166736674 (P>0.99) and Chief 1427381 (P>0.999) groups. According to the depth of the chest, the advantage of observation in animals l. Valianta 16504147315. It was 0.9 cm above the animals of the Bella group 166736674, 0.7 cm l. Chifa 1427381, 0.6 cm l. Elevation 1491007 and 2.1 cm l. Starbuck 352790 (Р>0.999). Repairing heifers of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed in different genealogical units under the conditions of the POSP farmer had sufficiently intensive indicators of average daily gains, which were able to ensure live weight at 18 months at the level of 420-440 kg, depending on the group. There were differences between the groups in terms of absolute, daily and relative increases.Key words: Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy, Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy, measurements, indices, conformation.


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How to Cite
RubtsovI. О., Popsui, V. V., Korzh, O. O., & OparaV. О. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF GENETIC UNITS ON THE INDICATORS OF GROWTH AND FORMATION OF EXCRERIER IN HEIFFS OF THE UKRAINIAN BLACK-SPOTTED DAIRY BREED. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 45-50.