Keywords: young pigs, genetically modified soybean, blood, haematological indicators.


World science has enough data indicating the existence of potential and real biological risks during the commercial use of transgenic feed. In experimental studies on laboratory and farm animals, the negative influence of genetically modified feed on the morpho-functional state of their organs and body systems, reproductive function, immune status, and biochemical indicators of blood and urine was revealed. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the morphological and biochemical blood parameters of young pigs for the use of different high-protein feeds in their ration – sunflower cake with narrow-leaved lupine and genetically modified extruded full-fat soybeans. Experimental studies were conducted on the territory of the Institute's physiological yard in the conditions of the III zone of radioactive contamination due to the accident at the Chornobyl NPP. For this purpose, 2 groups of young pigs with 7 heads each were formed: 1st group (control) – was fed by grain mixture №1 with narrow-leaved lupine (alkaloid-free) and sunflower cake; 2nd group (experimental) received grain mixture №2 with genetically modified soybean. Morphological blood tests were performed using the haematological analyzer Abacus Vet 5, and biochemical tests were performed using the semi-automatic biochemical analyzer Cherm 7 and DAC reagents. According to the results of haematological studies, it was established that the main indicators of blood in pigs of both experimental groups were within the physiological norm, in exception for exceeding the upper limit of the norm for segmented neutrophils, cholesterol, ALT and AST. At the same time, when feeding young pigs with a grain mixture containing 10 % (by weight) of genetically modified soybeans, an increase in total protein content in the blood of animals by 15.6 %, hemoglobin – by 12.7 %, platelets – by 2, 1 times and thrombocrit – by 0.07 % absolute (Р>0.95-0.999). At the same time, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes – 27.2, K – 29.3 and Cl – by 10.0% decreases in the blood of animals of the experimental group relative to the control (Р>0.95-0.99).


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How to Cite
Savchuk, I. M., & Kovalova, S. P. (2023). HEMATOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF PIGS USING GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOYBEANS IN THE RATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 51-55. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2023.2.8