Searching the optimized solutions for the development of a project for the production of pig breeding products with a capacity of 24 thousand heads per year

Keywords: pig breeding, prognostication, computer modeling, change of the live-stock, machines, technological groups


The decline in pig production in the market and the constant increase in demand for it always encourage investors to look for ways to increase production of commercial pork. Increasing investor interest can only be done by assessing all levels of risk by maximizing the value of the parameters of production activity and before the start of active investment, indicating the amount of investment required and parameters of profitable activity. Searching  the optimization solutions were performed by computer modeling, consistently changing parameter values to determine likely changes in production activity. It was found that with simultaneous change of multiplicity from 12 to 14 piglets and the reduction of technological waste from 14.3 to 10.7% with constant number of main sows during the year at the pig complex with a capacity of 24 thousand heads per year, the number of offspring will increase by 4 368 and weaned piglets for 4844 heads, this will allow to transfer for rearing not 21996, but 26728 heads , which should be taken into account when calculating the required number of machines for their placement. Depending on the compact layout of the machine equipment, the manure removal system, the way of giving the  feed  and the water inflated, the percentage of space occupied by the machine tools will vary, and thus the need for the total number of premises to support the livestock of all technological groups will change. If the area occupied by machines is changed from 70 to 52 percent, the total area requirement will change from 4320 to 5760 m2, which is equivalent to an additional space of 80 x 18 m. Increasing the growth rate during the growing and fattening period reduces the need for machines and total area for livestock housing, as well as a significant reduction in the feeding time, which will reduce feed costs and accelerate machine turnover. Failure to comply with the rules for calculations and ignoring the variables of the input data eventually leads to disruption of the established complex, as well as inconsistency between the calculated business plan and the real data of economic and economic activity of enterprise on production of pig breeding products.


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How to Cite
Voloshchuk, V., Smyslov, S., Pidtereba, M., Pidtereba, A., & Khmelnychyi, L. (2019). Searching the optimized solutions for the development of a project for the production of pig breeding products with a capacity of 24 thousand heads per year . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1-2(36-37), 47-53.