The aim of this study is to analyze the development of meat production over the past decades, with a focus on pig farming as a key component of global, European, and national production. The paper compares the trends in pig farming development worldwide, in Europe, and in Ukraine, and examines the factors influencing the efficiency of this sector. Special attention is given to the dynamics of pork production and its role in ensuring food security. The research materials include statistical data from FAO, European and Ukrainian statistical agencies, the analytical department of the Ukrainian Pig Breeders Association, and scientific publications by experts in pig farming. The methodology involves data synthesis and analysis, as well as a comparative method for assessing the development of the global, European, and Ukrainian pig industries. Pork holds a significant share of global meat production, second only to poultry. In 2020, global pork production reached 109 million tons, with an expected increase of 16.3% over the next 10 years. The main pork producers are China, the European Union, the USA, Canada, and Brazil, while the largest consumers include China, the EU, Japan, and Vietnam. In the European Union, pig farming is also of key importance, especially due to high pork self–sufficiency in countries like Spain, Germany, France, and Denmark. Despite a decline in the pig population in some EU countries due to the spread of African swine fever (ASF) and the economic crisis, Spain shows growth thanks to effective ASF control and expansion of production capacities. Ukraine, with a long history of pig farming, is currently in a difficult situation due to the crisis that began in 1991. Before that, pig farming was one of the key sectors of livestock production, accounting for up to 40% of total meat consumption. However, after the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine’s pig population significantly decreased, as did pork production volumes. Despite this, Ukraine has great potential to restore the industry, thanks to the availability of feed resources and a favorable geographic location. According to domestic scientists, pork is an important source of protein for the human body, as it contains all the essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. It is known that 10–12 of the 20 amino acids are synthesized in the human body, while the rest must come from food, particularly animal–based products. Pork is a valuable source not only of proteins but also of vitamins and minerals, making it an important element of a balanced diet. Thus, the development of pig farming is strategically important for ensuring food security and economic stability in countries.
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