Meat productivity of crossbreeds from crossing domestic dairy and meat breeds

Keywords: average daily gain, suckle, bulls, Ukrainian red-and-white breed


The article presents indicators of meat production of bugs of different genotypes of domestic dairy and meat breeds. During the rearing period, the live weight was taken into account by individually weighing the animals at the end of each month in the morning before feeding, followed by the group average. In the analysis of growth of young animals used the values of absolute and average daily live weight gain of animals by periods. The total nutrient consumption of feed by groups was almost the same and averaged 1 head (including cows) from birth to 18 months of age 5709,0-5869, 5 feed. units One feed unit accounted for 105-110 g of digestible protein. The rations were based on live weight, planned productivity, the season of the year. They fully met the animal's nutritional requirements It was found that the exchange energy costs per unit of growth were highest (181-199.5 MJ) between birth and 8 months, since energy was also taken into account for cows during this period. The total nutrient consumption of feeds by groups was almost the same (Table 2.16) and averaged 1 head (including cows) from birth to 18 months of age from 5709.0 to 5869.5 feeds. units, from birth to 21 months of age 6492-6683,5 feed. od. at the stall retention system. One feed unit accounted for 105-110 g of digestible protein. As a result of research on the cultivation of bugs of different genotypes, it was found that when growing animals on the undergrowth up to 8 months of age, there are high rates of live weight in animals of all genotypes, even in peers of the Ukrainian red-spotted milk breed. Further (during the growing period of 8-18 months) there is a tendency to decrease both the average daily increments and the exchange energy consumption per unit of growth. The highest exchange energy costs per unit of growth were observed in pure-bred animals of the domestic Ukrainian red-spotted dairy breed of the control group. In particular, in the young of this group this indicator was higher by 5.2-16.4% compared to peers of other groups. The results of studies of the dynamics of live weight and average daily growth of young animals indicate that the higher growth energy during cultivation up to 18 months of age was noted by the local young, especially obtained from the boogie of Ukrainian meat breed.


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How to Cite
Myros , V., Zolotareva , S., Mashkin , M., Vasilets , V., Vasilets , O., & Kovtun , S. (2020). Meat productivity of crossbreeds from crossing domestic dairy and meat breeds. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1 (40), 65-71.