Keywords: dairy cattle, transit period, ketosis, ENERGY-TOP, fertility, PR


An available source of glycogenic energy for the prevention of metabolic disorders and ketosis is the drug ENERGY-TOP, manufactured by Biochem, consisting of glycerin, betaine, propionic and citric acids. The purpose of these studies was to confirm the effectiveness of this drug to increase milk productivity, reproducibility and prevention of ketosis. To confirm the effectiveness of the drug ENERGY-TOP and develop recommendations for its use for feeding dairy cows productivity, we conducted a scientific and economic experiment on the basis of LTD "Promyn", Arbuzyn district, Mykolaiv region. For the first 100 days after calving, the cows of Holstein breed of the experimental and control groups were fed the basic diet for dairy cows. In addition, 35 first-borns and 35 cows were fed the drug at the rate of 250 grams per head per day, which was added to concentrated feed. As a result of the use of energy supplements, the average daily yield of cows increased by 0.6 kg, and the first-born - by 0.8 kg. Qualitative indicators of milk productivity (fat and protein content) did not change significantly: 3.7-3.65% and 3.12 -3.14%, respectively. The average increase in the highest daily milk yield was 1.3 kg / head. During the experiment, cows and first-borns of the experimental group gave 4900 kg more milk compared to animals of the control group. The use of the drug ENERGY-TOP provides an increase in milk yield due to the enrichment of feed with various energy sources. The use of energy supplements reduced the level of clinical and subclinical ketosis in cows and first-borns by 8 and 5%, respectively. Additional saturation of feed with energy increases milk production and improves fertility of cows and first-borns by 7-10% and calving (PR) of cows by 3 and first-borns by 5%, providing additional economic effect on subsequent lactation at the level of 42525 - 70875 UAH.


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How to Cite
Suprun, I. A., & Kurylenko, Y. F. (2022). EFFICIENCY OF USING AN ENERGY ADDITIVE ENERGY-TOP TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY AND REPRODUCTIVITY OF DAIRY LIVESTOCK. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 159-164. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.4.27