Keywords: Helix pomatia snail (grape snail), snail meat, snail feeding, heliceculture


Snail farming is still a new industry for Ukraine, but it is dynamically developing not only for domestic production, but also for export. The demand for the snail is constantly growing, and today it is not satisfied, and the global capital turnover in this sector of the market is hundreds of millions of dollars. Demand significantly exceeds supply. Currently, 21 Ukrainian farms are included in the list of exporters to EU countries in the "Frog legs and snails" section, SEEDS writes. The most popular snails are Helix pomatia (grape snail). We investigated the influence of different types of feed on the growth, development and organoleptic parameters of snail meat of the species Helix pomatia during industrial cultivation technology. Snails of the species Helix pomatia, which received combined feed in addition to the diet, had higher indicators of shell and leg sizes, compared to snails of other groups. In these animals, the total weight and meat yield were also higher than in the first group by an average of 13%. Snail meat is considered a real delicacy due to its delicate structure and exquisite delicate taste. In addition, snails have the advantage of an incredibly rich chemical composition, which includes many substances useful for the human body. The organoleptic parameters of Helix pomatia snail meat with different types of feeding had no significant difference both before and after heat treatment. The meat of snails of all groups had a beige-brown color, elastic, springy consistency. The smell is weak, reminiscent of the smell of wet soil with a slight aroma of mushrooms, after heat treatment the smell became neutral, only a weak smell was felt, which resembles the smell of cooked mushrooms. Ukraine has good prospects for the development of industrial cultivation of snails, it can significantly increase the supply of snails to Europe and other regions of the world, but for this domestic production of molluscs must reach a qualitatively new level. It is also necessary to carry out relevant scientific research in this field, because heliceculture is a science-intensive industry, and any development of the country's natural resources must begin with their comprehensive study.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, L., Fedorchenko, M., Korol, A., Bezpaly, I., & Korol-Bezpala, L. (2023). MAIN ASPECTS OF FEEDING AND ORGANOLEPTIC INDICATORS OF SNAIL MEAT IN INDUSTRIAL GROWING TECHNOLOGY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 11-16.