Keywords: flexibility, decision-making, flexible fixture, automated design, design-technological classification


The development of modern efficient production systems requires careful production planning. Global mechanical engineering is dominated by multi-coordinate production, which is characterized by a wide range of products, a reduction in non-productive time, the introduction of highly efficient machining centers with numerical program control (PCM), and a reduction in the number of units of technological equipment. The number of base schemes for workpieces of complex shape in the conditions of multi-coordinate processing on multi-purpose machines requires a reasonable choice of base scheme of the workpiece and puts forward requirements for the design of machine tools. In modern mechanical engineering, the use of flexible VP is an effective solution. They have production capabilities that allow you to reduce unproductive time spent, which in turn contributes to increased productivity. Flexibility in modern manufacturing has become a key factor in efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly select optimal configurations of machine tools for various production conditions. The latest trends in the machine-building industry confirm that in today's conditions of fierce competition, product manufacturers try to minimize time to market, but in turn, the requirements for their accuracy and quality are constantly increasing. The design and manufacture of flexible fixture is an urgent problem of production planning to ensure high productivity and flexibility of production. The study developed a structural-functional model of the process of designing flexible fixtures for multi-coordinate processing of parts such as brackets. This will make it possible to establish functional and informational connections between structural subdivisions. A mathematical model of the automated selection of the basing scheme of machine tools based on structural and technological features has been created. An important stage in the design of flexible fixture is the development of scientific and theoretical foundations for the optimal selection of machine tool layouts based on compliance with the specified requirements for accuracy, productivity, flexibility and cost. The solutions mentioned above will improve production planning in the engineering, automotive and other industries.


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How to Cite
Kolos, V. O. (2024). SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATED SELECTION OF BRACKET-TYPE PARTS BASE SCHEME. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 53-59.