Keywords: granulation, hydrodynamics, peripheral speed, basket rotation speed, basket shape, buoyancy, basket parameters; float parameters


Granulation of mineral fertilizers using a rotating vibrating granulator makes it possible to obtain a high-quality monodisperse composition of the finished product. This production technology is quite effective from the point of view of the set of structural elements, due to which the work of the installation is carried out. Adjustment of the main parameters, such as the speed of rotation of the basket, the frequency of the generator of mechanical oscillations, the level of the liquid column, and others make it possible to adjust not only the productivity of a specific installation, but also the size of drops, that is, granules, as a finished product of the granulation process. However, despite considerable attention to the development of construction calculation methods and the determination of technological parameters of the operation of a rotary vibrating granulator, there are still no theoretical studies of the movement of viscous fluid in the inner space of the granulator basket and the influence of these parameters on the determination of the number of holes for flow of fluid into the granulation tower and on the shape of this basket itself. Therefore, in this paper, with the aim of improving the calculation methods of the rotary vibration granulator of mineral fertilizers taking into account the three-dimensional flow of water in the basket of the OVG granulator at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Sumy State University, theoretical studies were carried out using the equations of motion in the form of a system of partial differential equations in cylindrical coordinates with taking into account the axial symmetry of the flow in the OVH granulator basket. As a result, a number of analytical mathematical dependencies were obtained, which describe the movement of the float and the pressure distribution in the inner space of the basket of the rotating vibrating granulator. This analytical form allows us to refine previously obtained theoretical solutions for similar flows, taking into account their three-dimensional nature. From a practical point of view, the developed model for calculating the hydrodynamics of float motion makes it possible to carry out a theoretical analysis of float motion at the stage of designing granulators, to optimize the distribution of pressure and float speeds on the inner surface of the basket with different geometric shapes, to identify the need for installing additional devices in the basket for distribution and mixing of the float.


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How to Cite
Sklabinskyi, V. I., Gusak, O. G., Yurchenko, O. Y., & Nichvolodin, K. V. (2024). HYDRODYNAMICS OF FLOAT MOVEMENT IN THE INTERNAL SPACE OF A ROTATING VIBRATING GRANULATOR (RVG). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 73-78. https://doi.org/10.32782/msnau.2024.2.10