Keywords: meteorological conditions, microclimate, occupational health and safety, production environment, sanitary and hygienic standards, optimal standards, permissible standards, specialists in agricultural engineering


In institutions of higher education, with the onset of the heating season, problems often arise regarding the provision and observance of sanitary and hygienic indicators of the microclimate. Ensuring a comfortable microclimate, proper thermal regime, and ventilation of premises are key issues for managers of higher education institutions. Scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers, students, laboratory assistants perform mental work. Mental loads are associated with receiving and processing information, activating the processes of thinking, attention, memory, stressing the sensory apparatus. A physiological feature of mental activity is low mobility and a forced monotonous posture. Teachers, students and employees in educational buildings are in thermal interaction with the educational and production environment. Non-observance of sanitary and hygienic requirements for microclimate parameters worsens the perception and assimilation of information, and also leads to deterioration of the health of scientific and pedagogical workers and students. Therefore, the creation of optimal microclimatic conditions in classrooms, laboratories and offices allows not to disturb the thermoregulation of the human body, as a result of which health and high work productivity are preserved. In addition, ensuring comfortable working conditions during a full-scale war with the Russian Federation is one of the most difficult tasks for many educational institutions. At the Sumy National Agrarian University, responsibility for creating healthy and safe working conditions, ensuring the timely implementation of complex measures to achieve the establishment of standards of safety, occupational hygiene and industrial injuries, occupational diseases and accidents in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection" are borne by the rector, directors of specialist colleges and head of the labor protection department. The head of the institution takes measures to bring engineering and technical communications, equipment, and equipment into compliance with current standards, rules and norms. The article analyzed the state of ensuring normative meteorological and comfortable conditions of the educational and production environment in laboratories, classrooms and educational and production modules of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of SNAU and considered ways to improve them for the quality training of specialists in agricultural engineering.


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How to Cite
KhursenkoS. М., & Semernya, O. V. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF THE MICROCLIMATE IN EDUCATIONAL LABORATORIES, AUDITORIUMS AND EDUCATIONAL AND PRODUCTION MODULES OF SNAU IN THE TRAINING OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 101-107. https://doi.org/10.32782/msnau.2024.2.14