Keywords: working speed, machine unit (MU), direct operational costs, productivity, quality coefficient


This study is devoted to analyzing the influence of working speed on the operational indicators of a machine unit (MU) in order to investigate and optimize its performance. The research included evaluating the degree and nature of the impact of the unit's working speed in the field on important indicators such as direct operational costs per hectare of land cultivation, work productivity of the unit, and quality coefficient of agricultural operations execution. The investigations were conducted using a modern tractor fleet consisting of power machines (PM) manufactured by the American company CASE IH, as well as a range of contemporary agricultural machines produced by the German company HORSCH. The machine units were utilized for mechanized technological operations related to sowing cereal crops in prepared fields. The analysis of created graphical models revealed a significant influence of the working speed of the unit on all three investigated operational indicators. As the unit's working speed increased from 4 km/h to the maximum level of 16 km/h for HORSCH seed drills, there was an average reduction in cost levels by 76.04%. The average productivity value at a working speed of 4 km/h for the five investigated machine units was 1.48 hectares per hour, while at a speed of 16 km/h, it increased on average to 5.79 hectares per hour, representing a growth of 291.2%. The maximum value of the quality coefficient for all five units was achieved at a working speed of 10 km/h (k = 0.855). Deviating from this value in any direction resulted in a rapid decrease in the quality of agricultural operations execution. For instance, when operating at a speed 4 km/h slower or faster than the specified level, the average decrease in the quality coefficient was 24.56% and 30.99%, respectively. The research findings established a correlation between the working speed of the machine unit and its operational indicators. Furthermore, optimal recommendations regarding the use of working speed were developed to achieve more efficient resource utilization, cost reduction, and improvement in the quality of agricultural operations execution. In conclusion, the conducted research determined that the optimal value of the working speed for the machine unit can vary significantly depending on the goals and priorities of the enterprise. To simultaneously minimize operational costs, increase work productivity, and ensure the highest quality coefficient, it is advisable, based on the conditions of this study, to select a speed range of 10-12 km/h, approximately 62.5-75% of the maximum permissible speed according to the technical documentation of the considered agricultural machines.


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How to Cite
Mikulina, M. O., Sarzhanov, B. O., & Polyvanyi, A. D. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF WORKING SPEED ON THE OPERATIONAL INDICATORS OF A MACHINE UNIT: RESEARCH AND OPTIMIZATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (57), 18-23.