The article substantiates the theoretical use of amaranth flour, which contains a large amount of protein compared to other raw materials. A promising way to improve the protein content of bakery and flour confectionery products is the use of different types of flour: rice, millet, corn, amaranth, buckwheat, sorghum, brown rice, and green buckwheat flour. During the analysis of the use of flour of various grain crops in the technology of bakery and flour confectionery products, types of flour that have a neutral taste and aroma deserve the greatest attention, which allows you to use them without significant quantitative restrictions in the recipe while maintaining high organoleptic indicators. Various types of flour have been studied and prospects for its use in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products have been established. Amaranth flour contains a complex of substances useful for the human body. It has a valuable chemical composition, high nutritional and biological value, contains a wide range of physiologically functional food ingredients, which determines the prospects of their use in the technology of food production. The main difference between bakery and flour products made from amaranth flour is the high content of vitamins and the complete absence of gluten, which is harmful for many people. Baking with this type of flour does not affect health, thanks to this, its popularity is growing every day. It is used to enrich wheat flour in the preparation of bakery and confectionery products, as well as for the production of a number of gluten-free products. Amaranth flour contains a complex of substances useful for the human body. It was established that the hydration capacity of amaranth flour is 19% higher compared to wheat flour, which is due to the high fiber content and the peculiarities of the structure of the starch grains of amaranth flour. It is an ideal product that allows you to prepare delicious and healthy bakery and flour confectionery products to improve the quality of finished products. Flour is becoming more and more popular and in demand. This topic is relevant, because the use of non-traditional raw material amaranth flour with a high protein content in the manufactured bakery and flour confectionery products will increase the nutritional and biological value of the products.
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