The paper has studied the structural and technological features of pumping equipment used at nuclear power plants (NPP). The analysis of literary sources has shown that the NPP pumping units work under difficult operating conditions (high pressures, speeds, cryogenic and elevated temperatures, as well as under the influence of radiation exposure). Moreover, they have been being exposed to the negative influence of the surrounding environment. At the same time, their parts are subject to various types of wear: oxidative, abrasive, cavitation, fatigue, fretting corrosion, electro erosion, etc. Research and investigation of methods for improving the quality parameters of the surfaces of the parts have found that the most effective methods for controlling the quality parameters of the surface layers of the parts should include the technologies using concentrated energy flows (CEFs), while applying which, the non-equilibrium heating and cooling conditions occur. In comparison with the traditional processing methods, the above technologies allow forming the fundamentally different structure of the surface layers. It has been proven by literature and patent studies that one of the most promising modern technologies being capable of controlling the quality parameters of the part surfaces and carrying out through the application of the CEFs is an electrospark alloying (ESA) process. Owing to applying the ESA method, the surface structures with unique physical-mechanical and tribological properties at the nano-level are formed in the surface layers. The paper analyzes the features of the formation of the surface layers with the use of the ESA technologies and reveals reserves for their improvement due to the study of the effect of processing productivity (Q), i.e. the amount of processed surface per unit of time (cm2/min), on the quality parameters of the coatings. Moreover, there have been defined the ways for improving the ESA technologies to increase the reliability of the NPP pumping equipment parts by: increasing their heat resistance, forming self-lubricating coatings, developing technologies for nanostructuring of steel surfaces and creating protective coatings, etc.
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