Keywords: driver, rolling resistance, agrophone, soil hardness, tire, machine weight, apothem, wheel diameter, wheel width, crumple factor


The article presents a methodology that allows you to determine the coefficient of rolling resistance under the condition of changing various parameters of the energy source and agricultural machinery, taking into account the conditions of their operation. Today, a large number of studies are being conducted related to soil compaction by wheel loaders and further determination of ways of its reduction. At the same time, the calculation methods take into account the coefficients of resistance to rolling, which were determined quite a long time ago and for outdated wheeled equipment. Trends in the development of power tools and agricultural machinery lead to significant changes in the wheel drive, and therefore in the parameters of their interaction with the agricultural background. It should be noted that the characteristics of agrophones have also changed over the years under the influence of various factors. As a result, the listed rolling resistance coefficients need to be updated in accordance with the modern conditions of agricultural fields and modern energy means and agricultural machinery. The methodology incorporates the feature of a wheel that deforms when interacting with a deforming soil. That is, the deformation conditions of the wheel tire and the deformation characteristics of different types of agrophones are taken into account. A necessary condition for the analysis of the rolling resistance coefficient is the method of its determination. All existing studies are based on the primary determination of the tire contact patch depending on its design parameters. When analyzing the coefficient of rolling resistance, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of parameters of agricultural machinery, agricultural background and others. But the main condition is the initial division of wheels into three types: passive, active, reactive. The interaction of each of these types of wheels has its own differences that affect the value of the rolling resistance coefficient of the wheel. The total rolling resistance coefficient of the unit will actually consist of all types of wheels. In this work, we have analyzed and presented a technique for a passive type of wheel of an energy vehicle or agricultural machinery. The obtained data of the rolling resistance coefficient confirm the already existing dependencies, and therefore the proposed method is effective. The proposed method of determining the coefficient of rolling resistance makes it possible to find its necessary value for production conditions.


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How to Cite
Chepizhnyi, A. V., Zubko, V. M., Kovalenko, V. E., & Shutko, V. V. (2024). DETERMINATION OF THE OVERFLOW RESISTANCE COEFFICIENT OF MODERN AGRICULTURAL TECHNIQUES ON DIFFERENT AGROPHONES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (57), 64-73.