Increasing production volumes requires automation of processes. Turning on electric motors for parallel operation is a quite effective solution. This is due to the minimization of labor costs, improvement of working conditions, reduction of the probability of system failure due to human error. The automatic mode of operation of the equipment makes it possible to connect several machines for parallel operation with automatic start-up or shutdown of installations. In addition, modern technologies make it possible to regulate the process automatically without the intervention of personnel. This article deals with the automation of the technological process of grain mass cleaning. Relatively small volumes of grain mass (for example, 200 tons), which arrive from the field or storage points, are not always advisable to be cleaned by large grain cleaning facilities, or at all in their absence. Therefore, it is advisable to use self-propelled grain cleaning machines by small farms. Automation of processes and efficient use of resources require the connection of several machines for parallel work. However, the problem of turning on such machines for parallel operation is the appearance of large starting currents of each of the electric motors. Turning on several machines for parallel operation leads to an increase in the starting current multiple times the number of such machines. For this purpose, this paper considers the automation of switching on machines for parallel operation with a delay on switching on time of the second technological installation. It was established that the maximum current load under this method of automation is the total current indicator at the time of operation of the electric motor of the first technological unit and the start of the electric motor of the second technological unit. As a result, the automation of the process achieves the gradual switching on of electric motors for parallel operation without the simultaneous manifestation of the starting currents of the electric motors of each of the installations.
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