The article deals with the issue of the use of tractor vehicles in the logistics of agricultural enterprises. The limit distances for the use of tractors with trailers and semi-trailers in comparison with cars, which until recently were widely used in agriculture, were determined. An analytical expression for determining the traction resistance of a tractor train was found. The possible fuel consumption of some tractor units has been clarified. The rules and principles of the formation of tractor transport units for the transportation of goods of various classes are defined. Grounded recommendations for the use of specialized trailers for the transportation of various types of cargo. A modern tractor transport unit is a highly efficient vehicle that can transport goods not only in the middle of the farm, but over short distances of up to 3...5 km. A tractor with a trailer or semi-trailer in modern conditions can effectively transport goods at distances twice as long as those stated above. This statement is based on the results of research by Ukrainian scientists. A modern tractor-trailer or semi-trailer, made of high-quality steel, has braking, hydraulic and electrical systems. It can be equipped with both autonomous loading and unloading systems. It usually has a rectangular body shape with an open, closed or semi-open top. It can transport both loose and monolithic cargoes, transport both wood and live animals. On the go, pick up rectangular or round bales of straw or hay, load them onto your platform and deliver them to the storage location. At the same time, tractor-trailers and semi-trailers have basically kept a simple and reliable design. The possibility of loading from different sides or from above and the possibility of unloading on three sides without leaving the tractor cab. In the logistics of agricultural enterprises, tractor transport units had limited use. However, with the increase in the carrying capacity of trailed machinery and the improvement of methods of connection with the tractor, they began to gain more and more popularity among farmers. Tractor trains are increasingly used for mass transportation of various cargoes. They are increasingly being relied upon when harvesting grain and industrial crops. Increasingly, such transport units are included in the logistics of transporting goods with a small specific density.
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