Research of the cooling and drying of fuel briquetts
Despite the accumulated scientific achievements and practical experience in the field of biomass utilization technologies, promising research direction for Ukraine is to use straw as local fuel, which is seen as the solution of environmental, energy and economic issues. Further intensification of research need to reduce the costs of manufacturing fuel briquettes from straw biomass and to reduce environmental impact by improving their production technology.
The purpose of research is to improve the process of manufacturing fuel pellets from straw biomass by maximizing the use of their own heat.
The paper proposed a new scheme of drying straw fuel pellets from biomass using their own heat. Determine the average temperature of the coolant supply and water evaporated at the exit of each level briquette process of drying and humidity of fuel pellets.
As a result of settlements with the maximum input moisture briquettes from straw biomass to achieve initial moisture which provides combustion efficiency and long-term storage of briquettes, not the system's own heat to dry the pellets to the original (14%) humidity. Therefore, before the supply of air from the first stage to the second device it introduced additional heating from an external source, such as electric heaters. When moisture briquettes defined below maximum required power electric heater, and if necessary, it can even be disabled. Control is by the value of the finished product moisture (dried bricks). The scheme and the calculation of the drying process of fuel briquettes from maximum use of their own heat makes it possible to reduce the cost of production process of fuel briquettes from straw biomass, reduce their costs, briquettes burn with optimum moisture content, which will help increase the efficiency of combustion plants briquettes and, consequently, reduce harmful emissions.
These calculations of the drying agent at different stages of drying the briquettes were confirmed in their determination by graph-analytical method using the I - d diagram.
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