Mobile agrometostation for sprayers

Keywords: meteorological station, sprayer, wind force, temperature, humidity


The quality of the spraying must be controlled, both directly while sitting behind the wheel of the sprayer, as well as remotely. Thus, an engineer and an agronomist will be able to control weather conditions and analyze the parameters of the sprayer. The parameters that need to be monitored include wind speed, the maximum allowable value up to 5 m/s; air temperature at the writing
level, (temperatures higher than those indicated for this pesticide, the effectiveness of the drug can both decrease (for pyrethroids) and increase (for carfentrazone)); air humidity, high humidity affects the evaporation of droplets from the leaf surface, and low working fluid application rate.

The integration of higher education with modern agricultural business indicates the needs of the latter and sets tasks for science. The developed mobile station allows you to control the process of applying plant protection products and growth stimulants remotely. The information received from the sensors allows you to control the quality of the drug application and analyze the effectiveness of
its application. The data obtained is stored on the cloud and can be used in the future to analyze the efficiency of growing crop products.

The developed station is used in the Sumy NAU for spraying of experimental fields.


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How to Cite
Zubko, V., Komisar, E. A., Shelest, M., Khvorost, T., & Danilov, S. (2021). Mobile agrometostation for sprayers. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (40), 3-7. Retrieved from