Dynamic rotor stability in the case of radial - angular vibrations

Keywords: Centrifugal pump, gap seal, bearing seal, liqvid presse, hydrodynamic forces, hydrodynamic moment, rotor of pump


In throat seals of centrifugal pumps, hydrodynamic forces play a leading role in the dynamic stabilization of pump rotors. Therefore, non-contact seals of the flow path can play the role of the main support - seal assemblies of a centrifugal pump. The pump rotor self-aligns in symmetrical throat seals under the influence of hydrodynamic forces and moments. In the process of rotation, it performs coupled radial - angular forced vibrations. The angular velocity of rotation, which is boundary in stability, is determined by the action of a complex of hydrodynamic and geometric parameters of slot seals.


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How to Cite
Gorovoy, S. (2021). Dynamic rotor stability in the case of radial - angular vibrations. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (40), 8-12. Retrieved from https://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/mapp/article/view/346