This work is devoted to the process of formalizing the search for a rational version of the layout solution for mechatronic disassembly systems. Based on the developed models for disassembling products and the kinematics of industrial robots, it became possible to select a robot with an appropriate degree of mobility in an automated mode. The next step in the selection of industrial robots is to analyze the feasibility of the task, taking into account the accuracy, weight and dimensions of the disassembled elements. For disassembling products, those robots are selected whose technical characteristics allow disassembly taking into account the characteristics in question. The robots are ranked based on their value. Robots with the lowest cost have the first rank. If the robot in question does not meet the selection criteria or the structure of the production site does not coincide with the structure of the disassembly technological scheme, then a robot with a large rank is selected and the analysis of production manufacturability is performed again. From the point of view of disassembly technology, a product is a set of types of connections of its parts. The process of transformation of the type of connection during operation is influenced by a number of factors: – operation time; – operating conditions; – the degree of residual impact on the environment. The developed technological models of geometric and kinematic movements of products and executive bodies of robots adequately describe the location of the disassembled parts in space and their movements during disassembly. The classification of industrial robots on the basis of their structural and kinematic characteristics makes it possible to select them, taking into account the necessary kinematics and accuracy when disassembling joints, the robot’s carrying capacity and the ability to work with objects of certain dimensions. The main idea of the concept presented in the work is to develop a methodology for a systematic approach to the design of highly efficient technological systems used in the reconstruction, modernization and restoration of th e operability of technical means and objects of material production in mechanical engineering.
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