Keywords: Centrifugal pump, pump rotor, throat seal, fluid flow rate, fluid pressure, rotor eccentricity, rotor tilt angles, hydrodynamic forces


Hydrodynamic forces in throat seals of centrifugal pumps have a significant effect on the vibrational activity of the rotor as a whole. Theoretical and experimental studies of various authors made it possible to establish the structure of hydrodynamic forces and determine the values of the coefficients of radial forces. On a specially created laboratory experimental setup, quantitative loading characteristics of the rotor in a slotted seal were obtained at various pressure drops and large angles of misalignment of the rotor axis relative to the seal axis. Also, static experiments were carried out with slot seals of different lengths at a constant fluid pressure drop and a fixed angle of misalignment of the rotor axis relative to the axis of the wear seal. The specified skew angle was obtained due to the action on the rotor of various external forces in magnitude. According to the theoretically obtained formulas, the dependences of the angular stiffness coefficient of the throat seal on the pressure drop and the length of the throat seal were plotted. Comparison of theoretical and experimental - calculated dependences indicates their good quantitative agreement.


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How to Cite
Gorovoi, S. A. (2021). EXPERIMENTAL - CALCULATED DETERMINATION RESULTS ANGULAR RIGIDITY OF SLOT SEAL. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (43), 34-38. https://doi.org/10.32845/msnau.2021.1.6