Keywords: technology, operation, model, energy means, wheel, stabilization, lever


The nature of modern technological operations with the help of mobile energy means (MEZ) requires their high mobility and efficiency. Movement of MEZ in most cases, as a rule, is carried out in unfavorable road conditions, off-road with minimal use of aids to improve the movement of the car and means of “restraint” mobility. The maintenance of the quality of the technological operations themselves, in particular both the traction load and the traction force and speed support systems, depends directly on the MEZ. Based on this, the latest technologies to improve the movement of MEZ is the key to successful technological operations. The main directions of realization of this purpose are: deep modernization of the existing running systems of automobile and auxiliary equipment with use of the newest technologies that will prove their technological suitability to possibility and level of standards of the European Union. Creation of the Ukrainian MEZ can be placed on the basis of the all-wheel drive chassis created according to special technical requirements for constructive improvement of the running system. MEZ which will be intended for installation or connection of special purpose installations is a wheeled engine with deep modernization. Such a propulsion system can be equipped with a special treadmill to move the dynamic weight, which reduces slippage and stabilizes the specified direction of movement. In such deep modernization of a design fastening of the lever for management of spring-loaded dynamic scales is provided. This technology of moving the car by means of wheel load allows to make the wheel rolling and its load softer, which reduces noise when moving and better use of technological traction load. A mathematical model of MEZ motion with a wheel drive loaded with dynamic scales is compiled.


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How to Cite
Petrov, L. M., & Petryk, Y. M. (2022). THE THEORY OF WHEELED PROPULSION OF A MOBILE ENERGY VEHICLE WITH ADVANCED ENERGY CAPABILITIES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (4 (46), 35-41.