Keywords: green house, LEDs, fluorescent lamp, growbox, phytotron, indoor ground, light intensity


In recent years, more and more greenhouse complexes are appearing in Ukraine and around the world. An increase in their number is needed to provide humanity with food, as the world's population grows every year. For growing plants indoors and using aeroponics requires controlled conditions to create an optimal environment for growth and development. Carrying out vegetation ex-periments in growboxes also allows to obtain complete data on the study of plant genotypes, the effectiveness of fertilizers, biological products, etc. One of the issues that need to observe is the study of choosing the most suitable light source for growing plants, in particular, crop. Thereby, a climate chamber with a volume of 1.44 m3 and a height of 2 m was designed and constructed to study plants. For control of abiotic factors, such sensors have been used as YL-38 + YL-69 and HTU-21, for lighting - LEDs model ST-12-5050-60-RGB-65 and fluorescent lamp DeLux T8 36/33. The climate control program was developed using the Arduino IDE. The difference between the created climate camera and existed cameras is in possibility of faster replacement of light sources. The ad-vantages and disadvantages of light sources used for growing plants under controlled conditions are shown. Examples of other grow-boxes, phytotrons and climate chambers used for growing crops are given.


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How to Cite
Shelest, M. S., Datsko, O. M., & Zakharchenko, E. A. (2022). CONSTRUCTION OF THE CLIMATE CHAMBER WITH THE LIGHTING ADAPTED FOR GROWING OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (44), 54-58.