Keywords: energy, axis of rotation, efficiency, wind, energy


Expanding the possibilities of alternative energy can lead to a significant reduction in the use of traditional energy sources, as well as environmental pollution. Today, alternative energy in different countries is gaining momentum rather unstable. This is due to the possibility of using certain alternative sources, the lack of certain types, the cost of production, installation and commissioning. However, there is a significant expansion of wind energy. Particularly important are the districts, where the wind is often blown up by spinning the wind wheel to the wraps, for which the generator will vibrate electric energy. Prote, wind energy is not excluded and for areas with low wind speed. Winning the minimal susilla, building to bring the wind wheel into operation is already a success. In such areas, for the provision of wrappers of wind turbines sufficient for generating electrical energy, reducers or other extensions are installed to increase the frequency of wrapping the shaft at the output of the reducer, equal to the frequency of wrapping at the input. However, the complex design of the installation leads to increased weight and increased loss for the production of someparts, as well as maintenance installations. Therefore, look for the optimal shape of the blade, creating protection for starting the wind turbine and leveling it to a higher level, which corresponds to the basic shape of the blade is the actual task. This article presents a new shape of wind turbine blade for areas with low wind speeds. The developed blade has the same dimensions compared to the base version, however, due to the change in shape directly on the side it is possible to absorb energy in two directions and concentrate it in the so-called "pocket", which was not the base version. With this arrangement, the number of revolutions of the installation is 17% higher than in the blade made in the basic version. The rate of acceleration of the installation increases, which confirms its effectiveness at the start. Studies conducted with the help of a mini-model of a wind turbine with three forms of blades and a fan provided the same conditions for testing and obtaining not only theoretical but also practical data.


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How to Cite
Yurchenko, O. Y., Barsukova, H. V., & Tymoshenko, H. A. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF A WIND TURBINE BLADE FOR AREAS WITH LOW WIND SPEED. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2(48), 94-100.

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