Keywords: forwarding service, transportation routes, urban traffic, small consignment


Small batch cargo transportation is an important component of the economic development of many modern enterprises, because they ensure fast delivery of oversized cargo to consumers. Such transportation is actively used in various fields, including agriculture, the field of postal services, delivery, and others. Improving the efficiency of small-lot freight transportation is an urgent issue, the key task of which is to improve the logistics routes of vehicles. Understanding that the share of small-part cargoes in the total volume of transportation is constantly growing, and their execution is not efficient enough. In this regard, it is necessary to search for new scientific and practical solutions, methods and models for optimizing the transportation process. A methodology for the formation of a rational technology of transport and forwarding service for cargo owners has been developed, which involves determining the rational direction of application of a certain load and class of car for work on delivery routes of cities with a population of more than 1 million. In particular, practical recommendations on the implementation of research results have been developed. The minimum total costs for city deliveries of small-lot cargoes per day were chosen as the efficiency criterion. It was determined that the size of the cargo lot is subject to the normal distribution law of a random variable, and the loading and unloading time of 1 ton of cargo is subject to the exponential law. A regression analysis was carried out and the function of the dependence of the total costs for the delivery of small consignments per to-bu on the number of customers at different values of the average size of the consignment and the nominal load of cars operating on delivery routes was obtained. It allows you to determine the rational directions of use of a certain class of truck depending on the number of customers for the corresponding value of the average size of the cargo lot. The article develops practical recommendations that allow resource-efficient use of vehicle operation technologies on the transportation route with the use of specific vehicle brands depending on the number of customers and volume of cargo.


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How to Cite
Moroz, M. M., Shramenko, N. Y., Moroz, O. V., & Solarov, O. O. (2023). TRANSPORT AND EXPEDITION SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF CITY SMALL PARTY CARGO. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (49), 45-50.