Keywords: nutrition, nutritional value, biological value, fermented milk curds, poppy seeds, minerals, ingredients of plant origin, organoleptic, recipe


The paper analyzes the state of nutrition of the population of Ukraine in the conditions of an unstable economic situation in the state against the backdrop of hostilities. The dependence of the quality of the diet on available products and the impact of nutrition on the health of Ukrainians. Conclusions are drawn about the possible improvement of nutrition by introducing daily consumption products enriched with biologically valuable food additives of plant origin into the diets. The main tasks of the work are: to prove the feasibility of developing a new recipe by adding ingredients of plant origin; analyze the classical technology for the production of protein dairy products and adapt it to the implementation of a new recipe; substantiate the nutritional and biological value of curd products and an ingredient of plant origin – poppy seeds; determine the optimal percentage of poppy seeds in the product; research the organoleptic properties and composition of the finished product. The main purpose of the research in the work was to substantiate the recipe and develop the technology of products from sour-milk cheese with the addition of poppy seeds. The results of theoretical and experimental research of a new technology of fermented milk curds with the addition of poppy seeds are presented. An adapted technological scheme for the production of a product according to a new recipe has been developed. The chemical composition of the new product and the degree of satisfaction of the daily requirement for basic minerals were calculated. Conclusions. The classic recipe for sweet curds from sour milk cheese is analyzed. The expediency of developing a recipe for fermented milk curds using raw materials of plant origin, namely poppy seeds, has been proved. The optimal amount of poppy seeds incorporation into the bulk of the product, which is 2%, has been established. Calculated nutritional and energy value of the finished product. It was found that the introduction of 2% poppy seeds into the recipe does not worsen organoleptic characteristics, the finished product has an attractive appearance, a homogeneous texture, a pleasant taste and aroma characteristic of this type of fermented milk cheese products, which is confirmed by the results of organoleptic evaluation. It has been established that the use of 200 g of curd with poppy seeds provides an average of 31% of the daily requirement of calcium, 35% of the daily requirement of phosphorus and 15,5% of the daily requirement of magnesium.


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How to Cite
Petrova, O. I., Bolgova, N. V., Huba, S. O., Sokolenko, V. V., & Dodenko, A. V. (2023). SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE FOR THE USE OF POPPY SEEDS IN THE PRODUCTION OF CURD PRODUCTS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (49), 51-57.

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