Keywords: professional and technical education, professional and practical training, machine and tractor park, agricultural term, energy means, efficiency indicators, tractor, efficiency, quality, mechanization, precision agriculture


The article raises the issue of the problems of modern professional education in Ukraine and the search for methods for integration into the European educational space. The issues of the need for vocational education to meet the demands of employers for highly qualified labor resources, who must master the production process already during training, were touched upon. One of the components of the European integration is the successful provision of professional and practical (industrial) training to the students of education. In order to increase the provision of high-quality industrial training by state vocational and technical educational institutions (SVS) and to ensure the educational process and production activities of the institutions, the quantitative composition of the optimal fleet of machines for the needs of growing grain and leguminous crops in the structural subdivisions of (SVS) with an area of 300 to 500 hectares was substantiated. Modern agricultural technologies require scientists and engineers to come up with innovative solutions that would ensure the effective use of agricultural machinery, even at the planning stage. The analysis of the latest researches and publications shows that with such effective tools as mathematical modeling of the determination of constructive and operational indicators and linear, integer computer programming, it is possible to justify and solve the set tasks. The article provides an algorithm for determining the costs of energy, funds, labor, and the number of machine units that must be available to ensure the technological process for performing mechanized technological operations. The calculation of the technological indicators of the machine-tractor unit and the cost component, which satisfies the implementation of works with minimal costs and in compliance with agrotechnical terms, has been carried out. Calculations of indicators of energy means with specification of trailed work machines are provided, approximate indicators of effective use of selected energy means are given, such as productivity (ha/h), labor costs (man/h) and fuel consumption (kg/ha). The application of the obtained calculations ensures even at the planning stage, to obtain a predictive understanding of the efficiency of the use of the machine and tractor park of the farm. Due to the effective functioning of educational training and production activities in vocational training institutions, high productivity indicators are possible on the basis of automation and mechanization, in particular, the use of high-performance equipment, as well as high-quality maintenance and repair, which will only confirm the calculations provided below.


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How to Cite
Zubko, V., Khvorost, T., Melnyk, V., Omelchenko, E., Kovalenko, Y. S., & Teslenko, O. (2023). JUSTIFICATION OF THE NEED FOR A FLEET OF MACHINES FOR THE CULTIVATION OF GRAIN AND LEGUMINOUS CROPS IN THE STRUCTURAL UNITS OF THE DPTNZ WITH AN AREA OF 300–500 HECTARES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (53), 40-47. https://doi.org/10.32782/msnau.2023.3.7