Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes 2025-02-12T15:25:28+02:00 Ievgeniia Golysheva Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href=""><img style="float: left; margin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 20px;" src="/public/site/images/snaubulojsadmin/mapp.png"></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2708-4892</a>,&nbsp;<strong>e-ISSN:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2708-4906</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal publishes peer-reviewed original scientific articles and reviews of the results of experimental studies in the fields of agro-engineering, electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics, mechanical engineering, computer modeling and other areas of engineering of production processes.<br><strong>Topics</strong>: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.</p> RESEARCH OF THE TORQUE-FLOW PUMP OPERATING PROCESS WITH A NON-CYCLIC IMPELLER IN THE OPERATING RANGE 2025-02-12T15:25:28+02:00 Vladyslav Yuriyovych Kondus Andrii Andriyovych Krugliak Vadym Mykolayovych Baga Mykhailo Yuriiuvych Dumanchuk <p>Torque-flow (TFP) pumps are widely used in various industries for pumping contaminated, fibrous or gas-containing liquids due to their simple design, reliability and low risk of clogging, despite the limitations of efficiency and head. The main disadvantages of torque-flow pumps are low energy efficiency (pump efficiency η=0.38-0.58) and the possibility of clogging of their flow part by the pumped product. This problem can be solved by ensuring the self-cleaning effect of the torque-flow pump by designing the impeller with a non-cyclic arrangement of blades, which will ensure a pulsating nature of the pressure in its inter-blade channels. The aim of the study was to establish the characteristics of a pump with noncyclic arranged blades and compare the results obtained with the characteristics of a similar pump with evenly arranged blades. To conduct a numerical research in the ICEM CFD software package, unstructured computational meshes of the stator element (housing) and the rotor element (impeller) were created. The pump operating process was simulated in a stationary setting using the Ansys CFX software package, and the k-ε turbulence model in a stationary setting was used, water at a temperature of 25°C was used as the operating medium. According to the results of the study, it was found that when using an impeller with a non-cyclic arrangement of blades (with no blades), there is an increase in the relative velocity near the operating side of the blade in the expanded inter-blade channel, an uneven distribution of relative velocity at the entrance to the wheel simultaneously with the appearance of a flow separation zone in the inter-blade channels, which leads to increased losses, reduced pressure and, accordingly, pump efficiency. At the same time, the above allows us to state that according to Bernoulli's law, there is some increased pressure in the expanded impeller channels with a non-cyclic arrangement of blades in the reduced speed zones. This increased pressure creates the prerequisites for unstable relative motion of the operating fluid compared to using a standard impeller. In turn, this mechanism can be used as a self-cleaning mechanism for torque-flow pumps.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) COMPUTER MODELLING OF BASIC DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF DOUBLE DISC COULTERS 2025-02-12T15:25:25+02:00 Oleksii Mykolaiovych Vorobiov <p>In this difficult time of war for Ukraine, the issue of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production is an urgent state and scientific applied problem. One of the ways to solve it is to further improve the various technical means used, in particular for tillage before sowing and for simultaneous sowing. At the current stage of development, disc tools are quite promising among them. Compared to shelf implements, their main advantage is significantly lower energy consumption in many agricultural processes. Also, disc implements help to maintain proper soil structure and better meet environmental requirements. The purpose of this publication is to present the proposed mathematical apparatus aimed at ensuring an effective computer definition of rational variants of double-disc coulters. The latter is realised through the detailed presentation and analysis of analytical dependencies between the basic geometrical structural and operational parameters of these products. This applies to the diameters of the discs, their deviation from the vertical, angles of rotation in the horizontal plane, the position of the vanishing points, the depth of tillage and the nature of the resulting furrow profiles. The presented mathematical apparatus and illustrated relevant geometric modelling techniques not only improve the accuracy of various calculations, such as agricultural mechanics, but also allow further improvement of the quality and productivity of computer-aided design of the agricultural implements under consideration, in particular, by means of structural and parametric shaping. This is carried out on the basis of variant computer‑aided design based on the above methodology. It was developed by the Scientific School of Applied Geometry of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and tested in the domestic aviation industry. Extension of the accentuated approach to agricultural mechanisation will contribute to further improvement of both existing theoretical provisions and existing practice. In the author’s opinion, the outlined topic is a promising area for conducting appropriate applied research.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) RESEARCH OF THE INFLUENCE OF AN ELDERBERRY SUPPLEMENT ON THE STORAGE LIFE OF YOGURT 2025-02-12T15:25:22+02:00 Ye. V. Demidova M. M. Samilyk S. O. Huba <p>The work investigated the effect of elderberry powder food additive on the quality indicators of yogurt and its shelf life. Yogurt is one of the most widely consumed dairy products in the world. It helps to normalize intestinal function, improves digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients. The use of plant powders and extracts that enrich yogurt with vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds is becoming increasingly relevant. The use of plant components is promising for expanding the range of fermented milk products with antioxidant properties. The purpose of the scientific work is to study the effect of elderberry food additive on the quality indicators and shelf life of yogurt. The results of this study will influence the process of developing improved yogurt technology. Improved technology will lead to an expansion of the range of yogurts with increased biological value. The main raw material for the production of yogurt was cow's milk, in accordance with DSTU 3662:2018. Elderberry powder food additive in an amount of 5, 7 and 10% was used as a filler. For fermentation, the bacterial starter "Yogurt VIVO" was used. According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation, the best is the experimental sample No. 2 with 7% powdered elderberry food additive. The main quality indicators of yogurt were determined using standard methods of organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological research. The physicochemical and microbiological indicators of the manufactured samples met the standards of DSTU 4343:2004. The yogurt production process was carried out in a tank method, using classical technology, the powder additive was added at the stage of normalization of the mixture. The results of the studies showed that the amount of added filler affects its taste properties and physicochemical parameters. The addition of powdered elderberry food additive increases the viscosity of yogurts. Yogurts are a favorable environment for the development of beneficial microorganisms. The introduction of powdered food additive does not inhibit the growth of lactic acid microflora. The study of changes in the quality indicators of yogurt during storage for 20 days was within the normal range. Studies have shown that adding elderberry powder does not impair the storage performance of finished products. Based on the results of the study, it was recommended to use 7% elderberry powder food additive.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) TARGET-SPECIFIC CHOICE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SETTING THE CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING THE MOST RATIONAL METHOD FOR STRENGTHENING METAL-CUTTING TOOLS 2025-02-12T15:25:17+02:00 A. O. Dotsenko <p>The paper outlines the findings of the analysis of the literary sources and production experience on the choice of materials for metal-cutting tools (MCT) and the basic requirements for their manufacture and operation. Considering that less than all materials can be used for MCT surfaces, their choice is of crucial importance. There are no comprehensive studies in the literature aimed at developing a technology for choosing the materials required for the MCT and their elements, the use of which would ensure the MCT maximum service life. None of the recommendations relative the choice of the MCT materials, which are available in the literature, is universal. The purpose of this paper is to develop a system and criteria for performing the target-specific choice of a technology, which, on analyzing and synthesizing the existing analogs, industry experience and recommendations described in the national and foreign literatures, ensures the required quality of the MCT working surfaces. A system for the target-specific choice of technology for ensuring the required quality of the MCT working surfaces at different stages of their life cycle has been proposed. The conducted studies enabled the authors to develop the general provisions on improving the quality of the MCT working surfaces depending on the requirements of operation. With the use of the proposed method for solving the problem of the target-specific choice of the technology for improving the quality of the MCT working surfaces, it is possible to solve both the direct straight and the inverse technical problems. Those are: to determine the wear expressed by the real surface roughness, based on the known friction work, and vice versa, based on the known wear expressed by the existing surface roughness, to predict the friction work required for this, that is, the time required to fulfill this work. In turn, having known the period of time for reaching a certain value of the MCT wear, a specialist obtains an opportunity to operate the MCT rationally, as well as to schedule the time for resharpening and strengthening the MCT, preventing the build-up of the MCT catastrophic wear. With the use of the proposed mathematical model (1-6), it becomes possible to predict reliably the value of the wear for the MCT working surfaces formed by one or another method. In this case, the constants of the wear equation (the activation energy of the wear process (EA) and the maximum allowable wear, (ΔRamax) are the criteria for choosing the most rational technology for improving the MTC quality. Having known the amount of wear over a certain time, as well as the cost of implementing a particular technology, one can choose the necessary technology for improving the MTC quality.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) INFLUENCE OF THE ADDENDUM MODIFICATION ON SPUR GEAR TRANSMISSION EFFICIENCY 2025-02-12T15:25:13+02:00 M. Yu. Dumanchuk O. V. Ivchenko D.O. Zhyhylii D. M. Zavhorodnii V. M. Kozin <p>The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the efficiency of spur cylindrical gear transmissions depending on the addendum modification coefficient. The study focuses on enhancing the load-bearing capacity of the gear teeth, optimizing efficiency, and ensuring transmission durability with minimal power losses. Additional emphasis is placed on reducing noise and vibrations caused by backlash-induced impacts on the trailing teeth and analysing the fatigue contact and fatigue bending strengths of the gear teeth. The research aims to determine the influence of the addendum modification coefficient on the operational performance of gear transmissions. The finite element method (FEM) is utilized to evaluate the deflected mode parameters of the teeth and the contact pressure at different points along the meshing line. The study examines the effect of the addendum modification χ1 and χ2 on the efficiency, noise, and vibrations of the transmissions. It also explores power losses as a function of contact geometry variations resulting from tooth profile modifications. A detailed comparison is provided between two approaches for calculating power losses: the classical Niemann method, which assumes a constant average friction coefficient along the contact line, and Hai Xu’s modern methodology, which incorporates a variable friction coefficient based on non-Newtonian elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) theory. The article includes simulations of localized energy losses in individual segments of the contact line and their integration to determine overall transmission efficiency metrics. The study also assesses the impact of the addendum modification coefficient on the fatigue contact and fatigue bending strengths of the gear teeth. Stress and contact pressure calculations under multi-cycle loading conditions illustrate the dependence of the stress state of the teeth on the profile’s geometric parameters. It is demonstrated that a rational distribution of addendum modification coefficients between the pinion and the gear can significantly improve transmission performance, achieving an optimal balance between efficiency and durability. The research emphasizes that selecting appropriate addendum modification coefficients not only reduces power losses but also decreases noise and vibration levels during operation. The article provides design recommendations for spur gear transmissions aimed at achieving maximum efficiency while maintaining high reliability. Specifically, an optimal range of addendum modification coefficients is proposed, tailored to various operational conditions and load requirements. The results indicate that tooth profile modification and the rational distribution of addendum modification coefficients can significantly enhance the working characteristics of gear transmissions. The conclusions presented have practical value for design engineers working on the development of high-efficiency gear transmissions with improved operational performance.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) TECHNOLOGY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF LARGE-SIZED CRANKSHAFTS 2025-02-12T15:25:07+02:00 Ye. S. Pukhovsky O. A. Gromovoy <p>Modern heavy engineering is characterized by a significant share of small-scale and single forms of production. Machines produced for the metallurgical, energy, mining, chemical industries are characterized by high metal consumption and high labor intensity of their manufacture. For the manufacture of large-sized parts, either universal equipment and equipment are used, or technological complexes are created based on the use of unique equipment, large devices and conductors, and in some cases original tools. When assembling such units and machines, the fitting method is widely used. Due to the specific features of machining heavy and large-sized parts and the low serial production of them, during the development of the technology, it is impossible to mechanically introduce progressive methods and methods of machining, as well as the organization of work, which are widely used in large-scale and mass production of industries not related to heavy engineering. When processing these parts, there is often a need for original technical solutions. The main tasks in machining heavy and bulky parts are: achieving the required geometry of accuracy, surface roughness and physical and mechanical properties of the surface layer. Finishing and finishing operations, during which the physical and mechanical properties of the surface layer of massive parts are formed, and therefore their performance, are based on cutting materials. In the process of cutting, the surface layers have a slight strengthening, and sometimes even strengthen. In the case of this method of processing, it is impossible to adjust the surface roughness, especially the shape of micro irregularities, as well as the physical and mechanical properties of the surface layer using the cutting mode. Machining large-sized parts is very laborious, associated with a lot of time. Therefore, one of the main issues that have to be solved in heavy engineering is an increase in machining productivity as a result of the use of advanced technological solutions, a further increase in production equipment, its specialization, mechanization and partial automation, as well as the use of modern large CNC machines. The main method of manufacturing large shaft blanks in single and small-scale production is free forging. The quality of carbon and alloy steel forgings is regulated by standards. Shafts obtained by free forging have much higher strength characteristics compared to other methods of obtaining blanks. In the manufacture of large crankshaft blanks, methods of sequential stamping and bending with upsetting are widely used. In this case, ordinary hydraulic forging presses with a force of 98 MN are used. The use of these methods allows you to dramatically increase the material utilization rate, reduce the cost of machining shafts and improve the performance properties of crankshafts. The technology of crankshaft processing for large-sized machine units in mining, metallurgical, chemical, automotive, energy and other industries has specific features, which requires the use of individual technological processes, equipment and tools (Bicash Burnwal, (2023); Jean-Paul Assie, (1999)). Large crankshafts are critical parts of powerful diesel installations and various power units. They are made primarily of steel and high-strength cast iron with spherical graphite. When machining large crankshafts, the following technical conditions must be observed: the runout of the main journals relative to the axle should not exceed 0.03 mm; permissible ovality or taper of the main necks – no more than 0.02 mm, and bloodworms – 0.03 mm; skew of connecting rod necks relative to the main ones is not more than 0.02 mm; permissible deviation of the radius of the crank is not more than 0.01 mm for every 100 mm of length; permissible offset of angles between the crank elbows ± 15'; non-parallelism of bloodworm necks relative to the axis of the shaft is allowed ± 0.15 mm per 1000 mm of length; non-perpendicularity of the end of the flange to the axis of the shaft is allowed 0.01 mm for every 100 mm of length; roughness of shaft journal machining – Ra = 0.5 mm ( Pukhovsky E.S., (2021)). Technical tools are provided with high-quality processing routes, equipment, tools and equipment.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE SUBSTANTIATION OF THE RECIPE FOR LACTOSE-FREE WHEY CHEESE «СARAMEL CHEESE» 2025-02-12T15:25:03+02:00 T. P. Synenko L. P. Barabanova <p>Given the prospects of whey cheese production due to the positive social, economic, and environmental impact, affordable, nutritious products, and waste-free output, the paper substantiates the feasibility of developing new cheese formulations based on whey. To achieve this goal, we determined the possibility of using hydrolyzed condensed whey in the technology of Brunost-type cheeses. According to the results obtained, the content of solids in condensed whey is 3.3 times higher than in native whey. The study of the quality indicators of condensed whey allows us to consider it promising for use in the technology of Brunost cheese. In whey, lactose makes up the bulk of the chemical composition. It is known that the presence of this type of sugar in products may restrict consumption by specific categories of the population with lactose intolerance. To expand the range of consumers – to produce a lactose-free product, and to reduce the duration of heat treatment (boiling), namely to accelerate the formation of the characteristic sensory indicators of «brown cheese,» we propose preliminary enzymolysis of lactose in condensed whey. A crucial stage in brown cheese technology is the formation of the cheese's characteristic color, taste, and aroma during heat treatment (boiling), which involves evaporation of moisture and thickening of the mixture. The intensity of the formation of flavor and aroma substances, color, and solids content in the mix is influenced by the technological parameters of heat treatment (boiling), such as temperature and duration. According to the study's results, the following rational parameters of heat treatment were established: temperature – (95.0±3.0)°C; duration – (240...270) minutes. The results of determining the cheese yield show that using condensed whey in the cheese recipe increases the cheese yield by 1.87 times. According to sensory indicators, the developed lactose-free cheese ‘Caramel cheese’ is characterized by more attractive characteristics for the consumer than the classic cheese version.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE SUBSTANTIATION OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF CURD PASTES WITH FREEZE-DRIED MELON 2025-02-12T15:25:01+02:00 T. P. Synenko D. I. Feshchenko <p>Cheese products made with vegetable ingredients added to cottage cheese are very healthy. As vegetable raw materials are a source of essential amino acids, they have immunomodulatory functions and promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and iron transport in the human body. To reduce the risk of exposure to active acidity and to provide additional moisture to the finished products from fresh berries and fruits, it is possible to add fruit and vegetable powders obtained by freeze-drying to the curd mass. The work aims to develop a technology for curd pastes with increased nutritional value. To achieve this goal, the possibility of using freeze-dried melon powders in curd pastes was determined. The chemical composition of freeze-dried melon powders is represented by a significant vegetable protein content (8.35±1.0 g/100 g). The combination of vegetable and animal proteins will allow the developed fortified product's maximum biological value and the fermented milk product's optimal amino acid composition. The high dietary fiber content (10.0±1.0 g/100 g) gives functional and technological properties to melon powders. Based on comprehensive studies, an acceptable dose of freeze-dried melon powder in curd paste is 5.0% to 20%. Organoleptic evaluation in conjunction with physicochemical parameters showed that a rational solution is to add 15%. The recipe composition of the curd paste is as follows: 62% cottage cheese (with lactulose), 23% cream, and 15% freeze-dried melon powder. The use of freeze-dried melon powder in curd paste technology helps increase the calorie content by increasing the carbohydrate content in vegetable raw materials without adding sugar to the recipe. The product is also enriched with dietary fiber, corresponding to 6% of the daily value. A recipe and technological scheme for curd pastes with increased biological value. A set of data characterizing the quality of the developed pastes was obtained, and their nutritional and biological value was proved.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE ROLE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS WITH THE ADDITION OF PLANT EXTRACTS IN FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION 2025-02-12T15:24:58+02:00 I. S. Slobodianyk <p>Our civilization has long paid great attention to nutrition in order to improve its effect on the human body. During the formation of human culture, systems and approaches in this matter changed. After all, modern nutritionists and nutritionists have come to the conclusion that nutrition should be balanced and contain substances that have healing properties without harming health. The article examines the main stages of the formation of the functional nutrition system – from the idea to its legal fixation; modern trends in the development of functional dairy products using plant extracts were analyzed; the impact of such additives on improving the nutritional value of dairy products and their positive impact on human health is highlighted. The main advantages of using plant extracts are described. It was determined that dairy products are the most biologically valuable for the human body, as evidenced by the granting of the first "functional" status in 1930 to this particular product. The effect of the plant extract on the human body and the organoleptic features of the milk raw material were determined. The article emphasizes the potential of dairy products with a plant component as the primary source of a healthy, balanced component of functional nutrition. The use of this ingredient meets the demands of modern society and increases the popularity of such products among consumers. The purpose of the article is to determine the effect of plant extract on the role of dairy products in the segment of functional, healthy nutrition. The following methods are used in the article: microbiological, biochemical, organoleptic, statistical analytical. As a result of the conducted research, the most used plant derivatives were identified, including stevia, rose hips, amaranth flour, and licorice. The inclusion of these plant components allows not only to improve the taste and texture of products, but also to increase their biological value, which satisfies the demands of the modern market for functional and healthy food products. Thus, dairy products with plant extracts have significant potential in the functional food segment, providing a balance between health benefits, improved organoleptic properties of the product, and consumer appeal.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) REVIEW OF INNOVATIVE METHODS OF LEGUME PROCESSING AND THEIR IMPACT ON NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES 2025-02-12T15:24:55+02:00 Ye. V. Chebanenko О. Yu. Melnyk <p>This review article discusses various processing methods for pulses, including fermentation, extrusion, high-pressure processing, ultrasonication, microwave processing, and pulsed electromagnetic field processing. Pulses play an important role in human nutrition due to their high content of proteins, minerals and vitamins. They are integral components of a healthy, balanced diet, which is especially important given the rapid growth of the world's population, which needs to be provided with high-protein foods. However, traditional processing methods are labor-intensive and often result in nutrient loss. In contrast, innovative pulse processing technologies reduce anti-nutritional factors while improving sensory and functional qualities. Fermentation improves the digestibility of pulses by reducing phytates and tannins, increasing the bioavailability of minerals. Extrusion produces protein-rich products, but requires precise control to avoid nutrient loss. High-pressure processing extends the shelf life by preserving vitamins and minerals, making it valuable for ready-to-eat foods. Ultrasonication reduces cooking time and improves texture while retaining antioxidants. Microwaving reduces cooking time while helping to preserve vitamins such as folate and vitamin C. Pulsed electromagnetic fields offer a non-thermal preservation method, extending shelf life and maintaining protein quality. The combination of these methods can further enhance the nutritional value of pulse-based products through a synergistic effect. In addition, these technologies support product diversification by enabling the development of pulsebased snacks, meat substitutes, and fortified products tailored to modern consumer preferences. In general, innovative processing methods reduce heat treatment time, preserve proteins and reduce the content of antinutritional compounds such as phytates and lectins. They contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals by reducing food waste and increasing production efficiency, while ensuring a stable supply of food with a high nutritional content. Therefore, further research and industrialization of advanced pulse processing methods is crucial to ensure a balance between environmental sustainability and economic efficiency. These technologies have the potential to meet global food needs while minimizing resource use, reducing environmental impact, and contributing to the creation of high quality, healthy foods.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) MAIN ASPECTS OF CLASSIFICATION OF DRIVEN SYSTEMS OF AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT 2025-02-12T15:24:50+02:00 A. V. Chepizhnyi V. M. Zubko V. E. Kovalenko V.V. Shutko <p>The article presents an analysis of the main classifications of agricultural technology with their integration into a soil system in accordance with the indicators and parameters of the analysis of the interaction of destruction with soil. It is clear that most agricultural machinery has its own classification of types of running systems, which are connected to each other by related parameters. Based on this assertion, it is possible to carry out their unification for the final classification, which would be reasonable and maximally descriptive of all possible parameters of basic running systems. For the beginning of the classification, the necessary washing and evaporation of the type of wheel crash can be divided into active, passive and reactive. All active wheels (caterpillars) drive the technology. Passive ones are the driving wheels (caterpillars), and reactive ones are actually the driving wheels of various equipment. A different mental classification of the running systems of agricultural technology is also the universality in the formulation of foreign and veterinary production, based on the principles of agriculture features of the front and back development. Based on the classification of running systems and their development, the classical scheme of values does not make it possible to characterize in detail the current running systems with regard to their features. Based on such problems, we propose to formulate a powerful formulaic characteristic that can completely characterize all types of running systems. Further, this classification makes it possible to analyze the characteristics of the interaction of destruction with soil with a clearer understanding of all possible aspects and factors contributing to the implementation of traction force unit. An equally important factor in the stagnation of this classification is the loss of the possibility of reinforcing the additional functions of agricultural technology, so that it is not abused in the old minds, and is not imposed by different dealers. All this confirms the universality and effectiveness of this classification in the selection, analysis and development of agricultural technology. The flexibility of the global classification actually allows you to model parameters for the creation of new types of running systems and their further description. The formula above describes the basic layout of the attack and allows us to understand the basic parameters that require consideration in the conduct of further investigation.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) ENERGY SAVING OF TRANSPORT-TECHNOLOGICAL UNITS OF VARIABLE MASS WHEN PERFORMING TECHNOLOGICAL OPERATIONS IN CROP PRODUCTION 2025-02-12T15:24:45+02:00 M. L. Shuliak A. T. Lebedev V. V. Raputa M. M. Murchych <p>The article considers the problems of energy saving of transport and transport-technological units. For transporttechnological units, the execution of a technological operation is associated with more complex dynamic processes, since the engine power is spent on the transport and technological parts. The movement of combined units with a variable mass, such as sowing complexes or complexes for applying mineral fertilizers and plant protection products to the soil, is especially complex from the research point of view. The paper defines the conditions for energy saving for a transport-technological unit when performing a technological operation at maximum acceleration, speed and engine load. The minimum fuel consumption can be achieved when the transport-technological unit is moving without speed fluctuations. During the operation of the transport-technological unit, it is impossible to achieve a constant speed or no acceleration (constant movement) due to the inequality of the tractor's traction force and the resistance to movement. That is, in real explication, even with a constant movement mode, the deviation of the actual speed. To monitor the dynamic parameters of transport and technological units, it is proposed to use a complex that allows you to study changes in the unit's operating parameters with high accuracy and select its operating modes. When analyzing the acceleration (deceleration) of the unit in three planes (longitudinal, transverse and vertical), the starting point is the condition of steady motion (absence of accelerations or decelerations). It is almost impossible to achieve this mode of motion, but the minimum additional energy consumption will correspond to the mode with the smallest amplitude of oscillations. When external factors change in the engine's operation, three possible modes may arise: underload, overload and nominal mode. The mode of operation of the unit can be characterized by the nature of the change in the vector of total acceleration (deceleration), its magnitude and direction. A dynamic analysis method is proposed that uses a geometric interpretation of the process of movement of transport and technological units and allows you to select their operating modes with the lowest additional energy consumption. The selected mode can be characterized by the specific gravity of the ellipsoid core, which can be determined by the results of statistical processing of the results of the study of acceleration (deceleration) oscillations of the unit. It has been determined that one of the current directions for improving the energy saving of transport and technological units can be the activation of the axles of the trailer or semi-trailer. This approach will allow using a significantly larger part of the weight of the cargo when forming the coupling weight of the unit and, as a result, will improve the fuel efficiency of the tractor.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) USE OF EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOR WORK SAFETY 2025-02-12T15:24:41+02:00 S. M. Khursenko O. V. Semernya T. V. Khvorost O. O. Vasylenko <p>Occupational safety is a key element in ensuring social stability and economic growth. Given Ukraine's integration into the European space, an important task is to implement EU best practices in the field of occupational safety. To solve existing problems in the field of occupational safety, effective interaction of state authorities, the public and business is necessary. An important factor is also the implementation of relevant programs at both the state and local levels aimed at innovative improvement of working conditions, technologization and occupational safety. The implementation of such programs will allow developing and implementing a sound state system of supervisory, educational, methodological, control activities and financing in the field of occupational safety. Solving the problem of scientific, methodological and information support on occupational safety issues at the national, regional and local levels will allow for a comprehensive solution to occupational safety problems, ensuring the priority of the life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities. In Ukraine, more and more attention is paid to studying European experience in risk prevention, institutional support and training, and a systemic approach to occupational safety, but it is necessary to expand the number of empirical studies on the implementation of these practices at the state level. Preventive measures for occupational safety in Ukraine and the European Union countries are aimed at preventing injuries, occupational diseases, and improving working conditions. Although the approaches have certain differences, they are based on common principles. The article describes the main procedures and scientific and methodological support for the algorithm for developing preventive measures for occupational safety at the state level, which allows for all the main development procedures and obtaining the necessary measures to improve the national occupational safety system, create safe and healthy working conditions in production. The proposed approach is based on an analysis of European experience and contributes to the improvement of the national occupational safety system by addressing methodological issues of a systemic approach to risk assessment, improving the legislative framework, institutional support, social dialogue, and digitalization.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c)